Ariz. Admin. Code § 9-22-602

Current through Register Vol. 30, No. 38, September 20, 2024
Section R9-22-602 - RFP
A. RFP content. The Administration shall include the following items in any RFP under this Article:
1. Instructions and information to an offeror concerning the proposal submission including:
a. The deadline for submitting a proposal,
b. The address of the office at which a proposal is to be received,
c. The period during which the RFP remains open, and
d. Any special instructions and information;
2. The scope of covered services under Article 2 of this Chapter and A.R.S. §§ 36-2906 and 36-2907, covered populations, geographic coverage, service and performance requirements, and a delivery or performance schedule;
3. The contract terms and conditions, including bonding or other security requirements, if applicable;
4. The factors used to evaluate a proposal;
5. The location and method of obtaining documents that are incorporated by reference in the RFP;
6. A requirement that the offeror acknowledge receipt of all RFP amendments issued by the Administration;
7. The type of contract to be used and a copy of a proposed contract form or provisions;
8. The length of the contract service;
9. A requirement for cost or pricing data;
10. The minimum RFP requirements; and
11. A provision requiring an offeror to certify that a submitted proposal does not involve collusion or other anti-competitive practices.
B. Proposal process.
1. After the deadline for submitting proposals, the Administration may open a proposal publicly and announce and record the name of the offeror. The Administration shall keep all other information contained in a proposal confidential. The Administration shall open a proposal for public inspection after contract award unless the Administration determines that disclosure is not in the best interest of the state.
2. The Administration shall evaluate a proposal based on the GSA and the evaluation factors listed in the RFP.
3. The Administration may initiate discussions with a responsive and responsible offeror to clarify and assure full understanding of an offeror's proposal. The Administration shall provide an offeror fair treatment with respect to discussion and revision of a proposal. The Administration shall not disclose information derived from a proposal submitted by a competing offeror.
4. The Administration shall allow for the adjustment of covered services by expansion, deletion, segregation, or combination in order to secure the most financially advantageous proposals for the state.
5. The Administration may conduct an investigation of a person or organization who has ownership or management interests in corporate offerors or affiliated corporate organizations of an offeror.
6. The Administration may issue a written request for best and final offers. The Administration shall state in the request the date, time, and place for the submission of best and final offers.
7. The Administration shall not request best and final offers more than once unless the Administration determines that it is advantageous to the state to request additional best and final offers. The Administration shall state in the written request for best and final offers that if the offeror does not submit a notice of withdrawal or a best and final offer, the Administration shall take the most recent offer as the offeror's best and final offer.
C. Proposal rejection.
1. The Administration may reject an offeror's proposal if the offeror fails to supply the information requested by the Administration.
2. The offeror shall not disclose information pertaining to its proposal to any other offeror prior to contract award. The offeror may disclose proposal information to a person other than another offeror if the recipient agrees to keep the information confidential until contract award. Disclosure in violation of this subsection may be grounds for rejecting a proposal.
3. The Administration shall provide written notification to an offeror whose proposal is rejected. The rejection notice shall be part of the contract file and a public record.
4. If the Administration determines that it is in the best interest of the state, the Administration may reject any and all proposals, in whole or in part, under the RFP. The reasons for rejection shall be part of the contract file. An offeror shall have no right to damages for any claims against the state, the state's employees, or agents if a proposal is rejected in whole or in part.
D. Proposal cancellation. If the Administration determines that it is in the best interest of the state, the Administration may cancel a RFP. The reasons for cancellation shall be part of the contract file. An offeror shall have no right to damages for any claims against the state, the state's employees, or agents if a RFP is cancelled.

Ariz. Admin. Code § R9-22-602

Adopted as an emergency effective May 20, 1982, pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1003, valid for only 90 days (Supp. 82-3). Former Section R9-22-602 adopted as an emergency now adopted as a permanent rule effective August 30, 1982 (Supp. 82-4). Repealed effective October 1, 1983 (Supp. 83-5). Adopted effective July 16, 1985 (Supp. 85-4). Section repealed, new Section adopted by final rulemaking at 5 A.A.R. 607, effective February 5, 1999 (Supp. 99-1). Section repealed; new Section made by final rulemaking at 8 A.A.R. 424, effective January 10, 2002 (Supp. 02-1).