Article 20 - CONTRACTS
- Section R6-6-2001 - Definitions
- Section R6-6-2002 - Contracting Process
- Section R6-6-2003 - Solicitation for Offerors
- Section R6-6-2004 - Immediate or Emergency Need for Services
- Section R6-6-2005 - Acute Care - Solicitation of Service from Health Plans
- Section R6-6-2006 - Acute Care - Evaluation of Proposals; Cancellation
- Section R6-6-2007 - Acute Care - Award of Contracts
- Section R6-6-2008 - Acute Care - Protests
- Section R6-6-2009 - Acute Care Providers in a Geographic Area with No Health Plan
- Section R6-6-2010 - Statute, Regulation, Rule, or Program Change
- Section R6-6-2011 - Procurement Records
- Section R6-6-2012 - Recodified
- Section R6-6-2013 - Recodified
- Section R6-6-2014 - Recodified
- Section R6-6-2015 - Recodified
- Section R6-6-2016 - Recodified
- Section R6-6-2017 - Renumbered