Current through Register Vol. 31, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section R3-4-1003 - Licenses; Applications; Renewals; WithdrawalA. Any person that grows, harvests, transports, or processes industrial hemp in any of the following categories shall obtain the appropriate license from the Department and shall abide by the terms and conditions set forth in the licensing agreement with the Department. Types of licenses include: 1. Grower - An authorized grower license shall allow the licensee to obtain seed or propagative materials pursuant to this Article for planting, possess authorized seed and propagative materials for planting, cultivate the crop, harvest plant parts, possess and store harvested plant parts, and transport plant parts for processing.2. Nursery - An authorized nursery license shall allow the licensee to propagate eligible seed and propagative materials for planting for a licensed grower. A licensed nursery shall not grow industrial hemp for harvesting purposes, unless also licensed with the Department as a grower.3. Harvester - An authorized harvester license shall allow the licensee to engage in the activity of harvesting an eligible industrial hemp crop for a licensed grower.4. Transporter - An authorized transporter license shall allow the licensee to engage in the transport of a harvested industrial hemp crop for a licensed grower.5. Processor - An authorized processor license shall allow the licensee to engage in the processing, handling, and storage of industrial hemp or hemp seed at one or more authorized locations in the state. The licensee may sell, distribute, transfer, or gift any products processed from harvested hemp that is not restricted in section R3-4-1012B. At a minimum, applications for a license shall contain the information required in subsections R3-4-1003(B)(1) through (6), plus any additional information that may be required by the Department. Location information shall be retained by the Department for not less than three years. Licensing fees required under R3-4-1005 are due at the time of application. 1. All applicants must provide. a. Full name, mailing address, telephone number and email address;b. Fingerprint clearance card identification number of the applicant;c. If the applicant represents a business entity, the full name of the business, the principal Arizona business location address, the full name, title, and email address of the of the responsible party;d. Tax ID or Social Security Number; ande. Disclosure and explanation of any instance in which the applicant has been denied, debarred, suspended, revoked, or otherwise prohibited from participating in any public procurement or licensing activity.2. Applicants for a grower's license must also provide:a. Registered planting site or sites: street address or major crossroads, legal description, and geospatial location for each field, greenhouse, building or site where industrial hemp will be grown, updated annually, or within 30 calendar days following a change;b. Estimated acreage for each outdoor location and square footage for indoor or each greenhouse locations intended for planting;c. Maps or aerial photos depicting each site where industrial hemp will be grown, handled, and stored, with appropriate designations for entrances, field boundaries, and specific locations corresponding to the geospatial location information;d. Geospatial location information of all storage locations for seed or propagative materials, and harvested plants and plant parts; ande. Maps or aerial photos depicting each site where industrial hemp seed and propagative materials will be stored and labeled with the corresponding geospatial location information.3. Applicants for a nursery license must also provide:a. Geospatial location information of all storage locations for seed or propagative materials;b. Geospatial location information of all propagation areas; andc. Labeled maps or aerial photos depicting storage and propagation areas.4. Applicants for a harvester license must also provide the legal description and geospatial location information for each location of the harvesting equipment, together with corresponding labeled maps or aerial photos of the location or locations.5. Applicants for a transporter license must also provide: legal description, and geospatial location information for each location the transporting vehicles and equipment, together with corresponding labeled maps or aerial photos of the location or locations.6. Applicants for a processor license must also provide:a. Identification of the part of a harvested hemp crop or plant to be received for processing, in the following categories:i. Floral and leaf material , or biomass;ii. Seed for oil or grain;iii. Stalks for fiber or hurds; andiv. Seed or propagative materials for planting.b. Processing site or sites information that includes: street address or major crossroads, legal description, and geospatial location information for each building or site where hemp will be processed or stored; or where mobile processing equipment will be primarily based, together with labeled maps or aerial photos depicting the processing site information. C. Application submission dates. Applications may be submitted at any time during the year, but the expiration date of the license shall be on December 31 annually, or biennially for a two-year renewal as authorized in R3-4-1003(D). An expired license may be reinstated up to three years after the expiration date, provided the applicant's business information has not changed.D. Application for one or two-year renewals. At a licensee's discretion, a person that has been licensed by the Department under the industrial hemp program may apply for a one or two year renewal provided:1. The person was licensed in the industrial hemp program within the previous calendar year;2. The license of the person was in good standing at the time of renewal;3. There is no change in the person or responsible party licensed;4. There is no change in the physical location of the industrial hemp site;5. The licensee does not owe any civil penalties, fees, or late charges to the Department; and6. The person submits the associated fee for a one or two-year renewal.E. Licensing agreements. All approved applicants for a license shall complete a licensing agreement issued by the Department prior to receiving a license. The licensing agreement may include additional terms and conditions as needed to ensure compliance with this Article, applicable state and federal laws, and rules and orders of the Director, but, at a minimum the applicant will agree to: 1. Provide access, for authorized Department inspectors, at any time, to all hemp and hemp seed, planted or stored, and all records to determine compliance with this Article and any state or federal law, rule or order regulating Cannabis as an agricultural crop;2. Maintain all records, as stated in section R3-4-1008;3. Pay all fees required indicated in Table 1;4. Comply with all pesticide use restrictions;5. Comply with all seed laws of the state;6. Defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Department from liability for the destruction of any crop or harvested plant in violation of this Article;7. Be solely responsible for all financial or other losses;8. Be solely responsible for all land use restrictions, applicable city and county zoning, building, and fire codes and ordinances; and 9. Follow all regulatory, notification and reporting requirements.F. Withdrawals. 1. When a licensee withdraws from the industrial hemp program, any licensing and inspection fees paid or invoiced prior to any notice of withdrawal are not eligible for refund. In order for a licensee to withdraw from the industrial hemp program, the following requirements must be met:a. Unless otherwise authorized by the Associate Director, the licensee shall complete and submit a withdrawal notice at least ten business days prior to the withdrawal of the Program; andb. Any industrial hemp or hemp seed, planted, harvested, or stored must be inspected by the Department prior to transport off of the property, disposal, or transfer to a new or existing licensee. 2. Withdrawal after submittal of an application but prior to issuance of a license will be prohibited unless the Department determines, in its sole discretion, that such withdrawal is appropriate.G. Site modification. Anytime a licensed grower, processor or nursery modifies the registered site by changing the location of an existing site or by adding additional sites under the license, or removing a registered site from the licensee's record, the licensee shall submit a site modification application and associated site modification fee listed in Table 1. There is no site modification fee for the request to remove a registered site from the licensee's record or when modifying or adding a site during the licensee's renewal process.H. License transfer. The transfer of an industrial hemp license is authorized only if the licensee and eligible program applicant completes and submits a notarized Department issued transfer application and submits any applicable transfer fees listed in Table 1. The receiver of a transferred license shall complete a licensing application, and execute a licensing agreement as required by this Article, and all duties and responsibilities of the licensee shall be transferred to and acknowledged by the receiver in a written agreement between the licensee and receiver. Any license or other fees paid by the licensee shall be credited to the benefit of the receiver.I. Change in Business Information. Licensees must complete and submit a Change in Business Information form within ten business days if there is any change in business information including business name, address, or other contact information.Ariz. Admin. Code § R3-4-1003
Adopted by exempt rulemaking at 25 A.A.R. 1447, effective 5/31/2019. Amended by final rulemaking at 27 A.A.R. 1570, effective 9/16/2021.