Ariz. Admin. Code § 3-4-1001

Current through Register Vol. 31, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section R3-4-1001 - Definitions

In addition to the definitions provided in A.R.S. §§ 3-201, 3-311, and A.A.C. R3-4-101, the following terms apply to this Article.

"0.300%" shall have the same meaning as three-tenths percent.

"Applicant" means a key participant who seeks a license or certification as a grower, nursery, harvester, transporter, or processor under this Article.

"Associate Director" means the Associate Director of the Division.

"Authorized sampling agent" means an inspector of the Department or independent party that has been trained by an authorized representative of the Department to collect samples of industrial hemp crops to determine compliance with applicable hemp laws.

"Biomass" means the homogenized pieces and parts, including but not limited to stems, leaves and floral parts of hemp.

"Certified laboratory" means the State Agriculture Laboratory or any laboratory certified by the State Agriculture Laboratory to perform compliance analysis of industrial hemp.

"Corrective action plan" means a plan utilizing the methods outlined in R3-4-1013(D)(2) for correcting a negligent violation or noncompliance with applicable hemp laws, which is either proposed by a licensed hemp producer and approved by the Associate Director, or issued by the Associate Director.

"Decarboxylated" means the completion of the chemical reaction that converts THCA into delta-9 THC, the intoxicating component of cannabis. The decarboxylated value is also calculated using a molecular mass conversion ratio that sums delta-9 THC and 87.7% of THCA ((delta-9 THC) + (0.877 * THCA)).

"Decarboxylation" means the removal or elimination of carboxyl group from a molecule or organic compound.

"Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol" means the primary psychoactive component of cannabis. For the purposes of this Article, delta-9 THC and THC are interchangeable.

"Department" means the Arizona Department of Agriculture.

"Director" means the Director of the Department.

"Disposal" means an activity that transitions the non-compliant product into a non-retrievable or non-ingestible form. Such activities include plowing, tilling, or disking plant material into the soil; mulching, composting, chopping, or bush mowing plant material into green manure; burning plant material; or burying plant material into the earth and covering with soil.

"Division" means the Plant Services Division of the Department.

"Entity" means a corporation, joint stock company, association, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, irrevocable trust, estate, charitable organization, or other similar organization, including any such organization participating in the hemp production as a partner in a general partnership, a participant in a joint venture, or a participant in a similar organization.

"Geospatial location" means a location designated through a global system of navigational satellites used to determine the precise ground position of a place or object.

"Harvest Lot" means a contiguous area in a field, greenhouse, or indoor growing structure containing the same variety or strain of cannabis throughout the area.

"Hemp" has the same meaning as industrial hemp.

"Hemp laws" mean, unless otherwise specified herein, A.R.S. Title 3, Chapter 2 and rules adopted thereunder in Article 4.1, A.A.C. R3-4-1001, et seq.; 7 U.S.C. § 5940 (agricultural act of 2014 PL 113-79; 128 Stat. 656, eff. January 5, 2015,; 7 U.S.C. § 1639o et seq. (agricultural improvement act of 2018, PL 115-334; 132 Stat. 4908, eff. December 20, 2018,; and 7 C.F.R. part 990, (86 FR 5596, eff. March 22, 2021, The rule does not include any later amendments or editions of the incorporated matter.

"Intentionally" means the state of mind defined in A.R.S. § 13-105(10)(a) or any successor statute.

"Key participant" means a sole proprietor, a partner in partnership, or a person with executive managerial control in a corporation. A person with executive managerial control includes persons such as a chief executive officer, chief operating officer, and chief financial officer. This definition does not include non-executive managers such as farm, field, or shift managers.

"Knowingly" means the state of mind defined in A.R.S. § 13-105(10)(a) or any successor statute.

"Licensing Agreement" means a contract between the Department and an applicant that indicates the terms and conditions required for a license issued pursuant to this Article.

"Lot" means the same as harvest lot.

"Manmade causes" means the influence to an industrial hemp crop created by a person, including but not limited to, irrigation, fertilization, chemical application, or physical interference.

"Measurement of Uncertainty (MU)" means the parameter, associated with the result of a measurement that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the particular quantity subject to measurement.

"Natural causes" means the influence to an industrial hemp crop created by elements of nature including, but not limited to, temperature, wind, rain, hail, or flood.

"Performance based sampling" means a sampling method established in substantive policy and posted on the Department's website that ensures, within a 95% confidence level, a harvest lot is compliant with this Article by not having a total delta-9 THC level above the acceptable limit.

"Program" means the Industrial Hemp Program.

"Propagative material" means any industrial hemp seedlings, explants, transplants, propagules, or other rooted material that is grown in a soilless media.

"Remediation" means the process for achieving compliance of non-compliant cannabis. Remediation can occur by removing and destroying flower material, while retaining stalk, stems, leaf material, and seeds. Remediation can also occur by shredding the entire plant into a biomass like material, then re-testing the shredded biomass material for compliance.

"Responsible party" means an individual that has signing authority of a partnership, limited liability company, association, company or corporation.

"THC" means Tetrahydrocannabinol

"THCA" means Tetrahydrocannbinolic Acid.

"Total THC or total delta-9 THC" means the value determined after the process of decarboxylation, or the application of a conversion factor if the testing methodology does not include decarboxylation that expresses the potential total delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol content derived from the sum of the THC and THCA content and reported on a dry weight basis. This post-decarboxylation value of THC can be calculated by using a chromatograph technique using heat, such as gas chromatography, through which THCA is converted from its acid form to its neutral form, THC. which calculates the total potential THC in a given sample. The total THC can also be calculated by using a liquid chromatograph technique, which keeps the THCA intact. This technique requires the use of the following conversion: [Total THC = (0.877 x THCA) + THC] which calculates the potential total THC in a given sample.

Ariz. Admin. Code § R3-4-1001

Adopted by exempt rulemaking at 25 A.A.R. 1447, effective 5/31/2019. Amended by final rulemaking at 27 A.A.R. 1570, effective 9/16/2021.