Ariz. Admin. Code § 20-6-601

Current through Register Vol. 30, No. 40, October 4, 2024
Section R20-6-601 - Regulations Governing Bail Transactions
A. General provisions
1. Effective date
a. These regulations are effective November 1, 1960. On and after date, no bail transaction or severable portion thereof shall be conducted, directly or indirectly except in full conformity herewith.
b. No surety insurer shall furnish for use and no bail bond agent shall use any forms or documents which contain any provisions contrary to these regulations on or after the effective date hereof.
2. Authority. Authority for these regulations is A.R.S. §§ 20-142, 20-143 and 20-257 and A.R.S. Chapter 2, Article 3.
3. Public interest served. These regulations serve the public interest by prohibiting inequities in bail transactions and by establishing standards of licensing and conduct for bail bond agents.
4. Regulations as severable. These regulations shall be construed as severable, such that, where one or more Sections are held invalid, such remaining Sections will not be adversely affected.
5. Penalty. Violation of these regulations will subject the guilty party to the penalties of A.R.S. §§ 20-114, 20-220 and 20-316 and to the enforcement procedures of A.R.S. §§ 20-152 and 20-160 through 20-166.
B. Definitions
1. "Bail transaction" defined. As used in these regulations, the term "bail transaction" includes solicitation and inducement, preliminary negotiation and effectuation of a contract of surety insurance and the transaction of matters subsequent thereto and arising therefrom - all in connection with the release of persons arrested or confined.
2. "Bail bond agent" defined. As used in these regulations, the term "bail bond agent" means any person who engages in a bail transaction on behalf of a surety insurer or representative thereof.
3. "Arrestee" defined. As used in these regulations, the term "arrestee" means any person arrested or detained whose release on bail is solicited or procured or concerning whose release negotiations are commenced.
4. "Director" defined. As used in these regulations, the term "Director" means the Director of Insurance of the state.
C. Licensing
1. Application for license. Each application for original or renewal license as a bail bond agent shall be on a form furnished by the Director, and each applicant for such license shall furnish such supplementary information and supporting statements as the Director may require.
2. Prohibited associations. A bail bond license shall not be issued to, renewed for or maintained by any person who associates regularly with criminals, gamblers or persons of poor repute - except to the extent such association is required by business or professional duty and responsibility.
3. Transactions by unlicensed persons prohibited. No bail bond agent shall directly or indirectly permit any person on his behalf to solicit or negotiate bail transactions unless such person is duly licensed by the Director.
4. Employees. Employees of bail bond agents performing only clerical duties need not be licensed hereunder and shall be deemed not engaged in bail transactions.
D. Conduct of bail bond agents
1. Disclosure of business. Every bail bond agent shall conduct his business in such a manner that the public and those dealing with him shall be aware of the capacity in which he is acting.
2. Control of employees. A bail bond agent shall exercise direct supervision over his employees and keep informed of their actions as his employees.
3. Prohibited employees. No bail bond agent shall have in his employ at any time any criminal, gambler or person of poor repute.
4. Acting for attorney. No bail bond agent shall receive, or collect for an attorney any money or other item of value for attorney's fee, costs or any other purpose on behalf of an arrestee, unless a receipt is given therefor.
5. Informants prohibited. No bail bond agent shall for any purpose, directly or indirectly, enter into an arrangement of any kind or have an understanding with a law enforcement officer, with a newspaper employee, with a messenger service or employee thereof, with a trusty in a jail, with other person incarcerated in a jail, or with any person whatever, to inform or notify any bail bond agent directly or indirectly of:
a. The existence of a criminal complaint;
b. The fact of an arrest; or
c. The fact that an arrest of any person is pending or contemplated; or
d. Any information pertaining to matters set forth in (a), (b), and (c) hereof or to the persons involved therewith.
6. Compliance with rules of public authority. No bail bond agent shall solicit any person in a bail transaction in a prison or jail or other place of detention, court or public institution connected with the administration of justice unless said bail bond agent has fully complied with every rule, regulation and ordinance issued by each public authority governing the conduct of persons in or about said premises.
7. Representations to public authority
a. No bail bond agent shall make any misleading or untrue representation to a court or to a public official with respect to a bail transaction, nor for the purpose of avoiding or preventing a forfeiture of bail or of having set aside a forfeiture which has occurred.
b. Every bail bond agent shall truthfully and fully answer every question asked him by the Director or his representative respecting his bail transactions and matters relating to the conduct of his bail business. Any bail bond agent may have his attorney present when he answers any such question.
8. Maintenance of records. Every bail bond agent shall keep complete records of all business done under authority of his license. Such records shall be open to inspection or examination by the Director or his representatives at all reasonable times at the principal place of business of the bail bond agent as designated in his license.
E. Charges, collateral, refunds and rebates
1. Rates
a. No bail bond agent shall issue or deliver a bail bond except at the premium rates most recently filed and approved by the Director in accordance with A.R.S. § 20-357.
b. Every bail bond agent shall post the premium rates of the surety insurer he represents in a conspicuous manner at his place of business.
2. Charges permitted. No bail bond agent shall, in any bail transaction or in connection therewith, directly or indirectly, charge or collect money or other valuable consideration from any person except for the following purposes:
a. To pay the premium at the rates established by the surety insurer and approved by the Director.
b. To provide collateral.
c. To reimburse himself for actual and reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the individual bail transaction, including:
i. Guard fees after the first 12 hours following release of an arrestee on bail;
ii. Notary fees, recording fees, necessary long distance telephone expenses, telegram charges, and travel expenses for other than local community travel.
iii. Any other actual expenditure necessary to the bail transaction which is not usually and customarily incurred in connection with the ordinary operation and conduct of bail transactions.
3. Delivery of documents to arrestee
a. Every bail bond agent shall, at the time of obtaining the release of an arrestee on bail or immediately thereafter, deliver to such arrestee or to the principal person with whom negotiations were made, if other than the arrestee, a copy of the bail bond premium agreement, which shall include:
i. The name of the surety insurer and the name and business address of the bail bond agent.
ii. The amount of bail and the premium thereof.
b. The bail bond agent shall also deliver at such time a statement detailing all charges in addition to the premium, the amount received on account, the unpaid balance if any, and a description of and a receipt for any collateral received.
4. Collateral
a. Any bail bond agent who receives collateral in connection with a bail transaction shall do so in a fiduciary capacity and, prior to any forfeiture of bail, shall keep such collateral separate and apart from any other funds, assets or property of such bail bond agent.
b. Any collateral received shall be returned to the person who deposited it with the bail bond agent or any assignee as soon as the obligation, the satisfaction of which was secured by the collateral, is discharged. Where such collateral has been deposited to secure the obligation of a bond, it shall be returned immediately upon the entry of any order by an authorized official by virtue of which liability under the bond is terminated, or, if any bail bond agent fails to cooperate fully with any authorized official to secure the termination of such liability, immediately upon the accrual of any right to secure an order of termination of liability.
c. When such collateral has been deposited as security for unpaid premium or charges and, if such premium or charges remained unpaid at the time of exoneration and after demand therefor has thereafter been made by the bail bond agent, collateral other than cash may be levied upon in the manner provided by law and cash collateral up to the amount of such unpaid premium on charges may be applied in payment thereof.
d. If collateral received by a bail bond agent is in excess of the bail forfeited, such excess shall be returned to the depositor immediately upon application of the collateral to the forfeiture subject, however, to any claim of the bail bond agent for unpaid premium or charges as provided in subparagraph (c) of paragraph (4) of subsection (E), or as agreed to in writing by the bail bond agent and arrestee or his indemnitor.
5. Premium refund upon surrender of arrestee. No bail bond agent shall surrender an arrestee to custody prior to the time specified in the bail bond for the appearance of the arrestee, or prior to any other occasion when the presence of the arrestee in court is lawfully required, without returning all premium paid therefor, unless as a result of judicial action, or material misrepresentation by the arrestee or his indemnitor with respect to the execution of the bail bond agreement, or a material and substantial increase in the hazard assumed. Failure of the arrestee to pay the premium, or charges permitted under these regulations or any part thereof, and failure to furnish collateral required by the bail bond agent, shall not be considered a material and substantial increase in the hazard assumed.
6. Rebating prohibited. No bail bond agent shall pay or allow in any manner, directly or indirectly, to any person who is not also a bail bond agent any commission or valuable consideration on or in connection with a bail transaction. This Section shall not prohibit payments by a bail bond agent to an unlicensed person of charges by such persons for services of the kind specified in paragraph (2) subsection (E) of this Section.

Ariz. Admin. Code § R20-6-601

Former General Rule 60-5. R20-6-601 recodified from R4-14-601 (Supp. 95-1).