Ariz. Admin. Code § 18-9-A908

Current through Register Vol. 31, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section R18-9-A908 - Public Participation, Epa Review, Epa Hearing
A. Public comment period.
1. The Director shall accept written comments from any interested person before a decision is made on any notice published under R18-9-A907(A) or (B).
2. The public comment period begins on the publication date of the notice and extends for 30 calendar days.
3. The Director may extend the comment period to provide commenters a reasonable opportunity to participate in the decision-making process.
4. If any data, information, or arguments submitted during the public comment period appear to raise substantial new questions concerning a permit, the Director may reopen or extend the comment period to provide interested persons an opportunity to comment on the information or arguments submitted. Comments filed during a reopened comment period are limited to the substantial new questions that caused its reopening.
a. Corps of Engineers.
i. If the District Engineer advises the Director that denying the permit or imposing specified conditions upon a permit is necessary to avoid any substantial impairment of anchorage or navigation, then the Director shall deny the permit or include the specified conditions in the permit.
ii. A person shall use the applicable procedures of the Corps of Engineers Review and not the procedures under this Article to appeal the denial of a permit or conditions specified by the District Engineer.
iii. If the conditions are stayed by a court of competent jurisdiction or by applicable procedures of the Corps of Engineers, those conditions are considered stayed in the AZPDES permit for the duration of that stay.
b. If an agency with jurisdiction over fish, wildlife, or public health advises the Director in writing that the imposition of specified conditions upon the permit is necessary to avoid substantial impairment of fish, shellfish, or wildlife resource, the Director may include the specified conditions in the permit to the extent they are determined necessary to carry out the provisions of the Clean Water Act.
B. Public hearing.
1. The Director shall provide notice and conduct a public hearing to address a draft permit or denial regarding a final decision if:
a. Significant public interest in a public hearing exists, or
b. Significant issues or information have been brought to the attention of the Director during the comment period that was not considered previously in the permitting process.
2. If, after publication of the notice under R18-9-A907, the Director determines that a public hearing is necessary, the Director shall schedule a public hearing and publish notice of the public hearing at least once, in one or more newspapers of general circulation where the facility is located. The notice for public hearing shall contain:
a. The date, time, and place of the hearing;
b. Reference to the date of a previous public notice relating to the proposed decision, if any; and
c. A brief description of the nature and purpose of the hearing, including reference to the applicable laws and rules.
3. The Department shall accept written public comment until the close of the hearing or until a later date specified by the person presiding at the public hearing.
C. EPA review of draft and proposed permits.
1. Individual permits.
a. The Department shall send a copy of the draft permit to EPA.
b. If EPA objects to the draft permit within 30 days from the date of receipt of the draft permit, the EPA comment period is extended to 90 days from the date of receipt of the draft permit and the substantive review time-frame is suspended until EPA makes a final determination.
c. If, based on public comments, the Department revises the draft permit, the Department shall send EPA a copy of the proposed permit. If EPA objects to the proposed permit within 30 days from the date of receipt of the proposed permit, the EPA comment period is extended to 90 days from the date of receipt of the proposed permit and the substantive review time-frame is suspended until EPA makes a final determination.
d. If EPA withdraws its objection to the draft or proposed permit or does not submit specific objections within 90 days, the Director shall issue the permit.
2. General permits. The Director shall send a copy of the draft permit to EPA and comply with the following review procedure for EPA comments:
a. If EPA objects to the draft permit within 90 days from receipt of the draft permit, the Department shall not issue the permit until the objection is resolved;
b. If, based on public comments, the Department revises the draft permit, the Department shall send EPA a copy of the proposed permit. If EPA objects to the proposed permit within 90 days from receipt of the proposed permit, the Department shall not issue the permit until the objection is resolved;
c. If EPA withdraws its objection to the draft or proposed permit or does not submit specific objections within 90 days, the Director shall issue the permit.
D. EPA hearing. Within 90 days of receipt by the Director of a specific objection by EPA, the Director or any interested person may request that EPA hold a public hearing on the objection.
1. If following the public hearing EPA withdraws the objection, the Director shall issue the permit.
2. If a public hearing is not held, and EPA reaffirms the original objection, or modifies the terms of the objection, and the Director does not resubmit a permit revised to meet the EPA objection within 90 days of receipt of the objection, EPA may issue the permit for one term. Following the completion of the permit term, authority to issue the permit reverts to the Department.
3. If a public hearing is held and EPA does not withdraw an objection or modify the terms of the objection, and the Director does not resubmit a permit revised to meet the EPA objection within 30 days of notification of the EPA objection, EPA may issue the permit for one permit term. Following the completion of the permit term, authority to issue the permit reverts to the Department.
4. If EPA issues the permit instead of the Director, the Department shall close the application file.
E. Final permit determination.
1. Individual permits. At the same time the Department notifies a permittee or an applicant of the final individual permit determination, the Department shall send, through regular mail, a notice of the determination to any person who submitted comments or attended a public hearing on the final individual permit determination. The Department shall:
a. Specify the provisions, if any, of the draft individual permit that have been changed in the final individual permit determination, and the reasons for the change; and
b. Briefly describe and respond to all significant comments on the draft individual permit or the permit application raised during the public comment period, or during any hearing.
2. General permits. The Director shall publish a general notice of the final permit determination in the Arizona Administrative Register. The notice shall:
a. Specify the provisions, if any, of the draft general permit that have been changed in the final general permit determination, and the reasons for the change;
b. Briefly describe and respond to all significant comments on the draft general permit raised during the public comment period, or during any hearing; and
c. Specify where a copy of the final general permit may be obtained.
3. The Department shall make the response to comments available to the public.

Ariz. Admin. Code § R18-9-A908

New Section made by final rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. 5879, effective December 7, 2001 (Supp. 01-4).