Ariz. Admin. Code § 18-2-611

Current through Register Vol. 31, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section R18-2-611 - Definitions for R18-2-611.01, R18-2-611.02, and R18-2-611.03

The definitions in R18-2-101 and the following definitions apply to R18-2-611.01, R18-2-611.02, and R18-611.03:

1. The following definitions apply to a commercial dairy operation, a commercial beef feedlot, a commercial poultry facility, and commercial swine facility:
a. "Animal waste handling and transporting" means the processes by which any animal excretions and mixtures containing animal excretions are collected and transported.
b. "Arenas, corrals and pens" means areas where animals are confined for the purposes of, but not limited to, feeding, displaying, safety, racing, exercising, or husbandry.
c. "Commercial animal operation" means a commercial dairy operation, a commercial beef feedlot, a commercial poultry facility, and a commercial swine facility, as defined in this Section.
d. "Commercial animal operator" means an individual, entity, or joint operation in general control of a commercial animal operation.
e. "Dust Control Forecast" means a forecast, which shall identify a low, moderate or high risk of dust generation for the next five consecutive days and shall be issued by noon on each day the forecast is generated. When developing these forecasts, the department shall consider all of the following:
i. Projected meteorological conditions, including:
(1) Wind speed and direction,
(2) Stagnation,
(3) Recent precipitation, and
(4) Potential for precipitation;
ii. Existing concentrations of air pollution at the time of the forecast; and
iii. Historic air pollution concentrations that have been observed during meteorological conditions similar to those that are predicted to occur in the forecast.
f. "High traffic areas" means areas that experience more than 20 VDT from 2 or more axle vehicles.
g. "Maricopa PM nonattainment area" means the Phoenix planning area as defined in 40 CFR 81.303, which is incorporated by reference in R18-2-210.
h. "Paved Public Road" means any paved roadways that are open to public travel and maintained by a City, County, State, or Federal entities.
i. "Pinal County PM Nonattainment Area" means the West Pinal PM10 planning area and the West Central PM2.5 planning area, as defined in 40 CFR 81.303, and incorporated by reference in R18-2-210.
j. "PM" includes both particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 2.5 micrometers as measured by a reference method based on 40 CFR 50 Appendix L, or by an equivalent method designated according to 40 CFR 53; and particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 micrometers as measured by a reference method contained within 40 CFR 50 Appendix J or by an equivalent method designated in accordance with 40 CFR 53, as incorporated by reference in Appendix 2.
k. "Regulated agricultural activity" means a regulated agricultural activity as defined in A.R.S. § 49-457(O)(5).
l. "Regulated area" means the regulated area as defined in A.R.S. § 49-457(O)(6).
m. "Track-out control device" means minimizing any and all material that adheres to and agglomerates on all vehicles and equipment from unpaved access connections and falls onto paved public roads or shoulders to paved public roads by using a device or system to remove mud or soil from a vehicle or equipment before the vehicle enters a paved public road. Devices such as a grizzly, a gravel pad or a wheel wash system can be used.
n. "Unpaved access connections" means any unpaved road connection which connects to a paved public road.
o. "Unpaved roads or feed lanes" means roads and feed lanes that are unpaved, owned by a commercial animal operator, and used exclusively to service a commercial animal operation.
p. "Unpaved vehicle or equipment traffic area" means any area that is used for the fueling, servicing, receiving, transfer, parking or storing of equipment or vehicles.
q. "VDT" (Vehicle trips per day) means trips per day made by one vehicle, in one direction.
2. The following definitions apply to a commercial dairy operation:
a. "Aggregate cover" means reducing PM emissions, wind erosion and stabilizing soil by applying and maintaining gravel, concrete, recycled road base, caliche, or other similar material to unpaved roads or feed lanes. The aggregate should be clean, hard and durable, and should be applied and maintained to a minimum of three inches deep.
b. "Apply a fibrous layer" means reducing PM emissions and soil movement, and preserving soil moisture by spreading shredded or deconstructed plant materials to cover loose soil in high animal traffic areas. Material shall be consistently applied to a minimum depth of two inches above the soil surface and coverage should be a minimum of 70 percent.
c. "Bunkers" means below ground level storage systems for storing large amount of silage, which is covered with a plastic tarp.
d. "Calves" means young dairy stock under two months of age.
e. "Cement cattle walkways to milk barn" means reducing PM emissions by fencing pathways from the corrals to the milking barn, restricting dairy cattle to surfaces with concrete floors.
f. "Commercial dairy operation" means a dairy operation:
i. With more than 150 dairy cattle within the boundary of the Maricopa PM nonattainment area and Maricopa County portion of Area A or a PM nonattainment area designated after June 1, 2009, or
ii. With more than 50 dairy cattle within the boundary of the Pinal County PM Nonattainment Area.
g. "Cover manure hauling trucks" means reducing PM emissions by completely covering the top of the loaded area.
h. "Covers for silage" means reducing PM emissions and wind erosion by using large plastic tarps to completely cover silage.
i. "Do not run cattle" means reducing PM emissions by walking dairy cattle to the milking barn.
j. "Feed higher moisture feed to dairy cattle" means reducing PM emissions by feeding dairy cattle one or any combination of the following:
i. Add water to ration mix to achieve a 20% minimum moisture level,
ii. Add molasses or tallow to ration mix at a minimum of 1%,
iii. Add silage, or
iv. Add green chop.
k. "Feed green chop" means feeding high moisture feed that contains at least 30% moisture directly to dairy cattle.
l. "Groom manure surface" means reducing PM emissions and wind erosion by:
i. Flushing or vacuuming lanes daily,
ii. Scraping and harrowing pens on a weekly basis, and
iii. Removing manure every four months with equipment that leaves an even corral surface of compacted manure on top of the soil.
m. "Hutches" means raised, roofed enclosures that protect the calves from the elements.
n. "Pile manure between cleanings" means reducing PM emissions by collecting loose surface materials within the confines of the surface area of the occupied feed pen every two weeks.
o. "Provide cooling in corral" means reducing PM emissions by using cooling systems under the corral shades to reduce the ambient air temperature, thereby increasing stocking density in the cool areas of the corrals.
p. "Provide shade in corral" means reducing PM emissions by increasing stocking density and reducing animal movement by using a permanent structure, which provides at least 16 square feet per animal of shaded pen surface.
q. "Push equipment" means manure harvesting equipment pushed in front of a tractor.
r. "Silage" means fermented, high-moisture fodder that can be fed to ruminants, such as cattle and sheep; usually made from grass crops including corn, sorghum or other cereals, by using the entire green plant.
s. "Store and maintain feed stock" means reducing PM emissions and wind erosion by storing feed stock in a covered area where the commodity is surrounded on at least three sides by a structure.
t. "Synthetic particulate suppressant" means reducing PM emissions and wind erosion by providing a stabilized soil surface on a commercial dairy operation with a manufactured product such as lignosulfate, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, an emulsion of a petroleum product, an enzyme product, or polyacrylamide that is used to control particulate matter.
u. "Use drag equipment to maintain pens" means reducing PM emissions by using manure equipment pulled behind a tractor instead of using push equipment, which avoids dust accumulation in floor depressions.
v. "Use free stall housing" means reducing PM emissions by enclosing one cow per stall, which are outfitted with concrete floors.
w. "Water misting systems" means reducing PM emissions from dry manure by using systems that project a cloud of very small water particles onto the manure surface, keeping the surface visibly moist.
x. "Wind barrier" means reducing PM10 emissions and wind erosion by constructing a fence or structure, or providing a woody vegetative barrier by planting a row of trees or shrubs, perpendicular or across the prevailing wind direction to reduce wind speed by changing the pattern of air flow over the land surface. For fences and structures, the wind barrier shall have a density of no less than 50% and the height of the wind barrier must be proportionate to the downwind protected area. The downwind protected area is considered ten times the height of the wind barrier. For vegetative barriers, compliance shall be determined by NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, Code 380, Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment, amended through August 21, 2009 (and no future editions).
3. The following definitions apply to a commercial beef cattle feedlot:
a. "Add moisture to pen surface" means reducing PM emissions and wind erosion by applying at least three to six gallons of water per head/per day in pens occupied by beef cattle.
b. "Add molasses or tallow to feed" means reducing PM emissions by adding molasses or tallow so that it equals three percent of the total ration.
c. "Aggregate cover" means reducing PM emissions, wind erosion and stabilizing soil by applying and maintaining gravel, concrete, recycled road base, caliche, or other similar material to unpaved roads or feed lanes. The aggregate should be clean, hard and durable, and should be applied and maintained to a minimum of three inches deep.
d. "Apply a fibrous layer in working areas" means reducing PM emissions and soil movement, and preserving soil moisture by spreading shredded or deconstructed plant materials to cover loose soil in high animal traffic areas. Material shall be consistently applied to a minimum depth of two inches above the soil surface and coverage should be a minimum of 70 percent.
e. "Bulk materials" means reducing PM emissions by using a closed conveyor system instead of vehicular means to move grain or other.
f. "Commercial beef cattle feedlot" means a beef cattle feedlot:
i. With more than 500 beef cattle within the boundary of the Maricopa PM nonattainment area and Maricopa County portion of Area A or a PM nonattainment area designated after June 1, 2009 , or
ii. With more than 50 beef cattle within the Pinal County PM Nonattainment Area.
g. "Concrete apron" means reducing PM emissions by using solidly formed concrete surface, at least 4 inches thick on top of the soil surface, inside the feed pen for 8 feet approaching the feed bunk or water trough.
h. "Control cattle during movements" means reducing PM emissions by suppressing the animal's ability to run by driving them forward while intruding on their "flight zones" or restraining the animal's movement.
i. "Cover manure hauling trucks" means reducing PM emissions by completely covering the top of the loaded area.
j. "Feed higher moisture feed to beef cattle" means reducing PM emissions by feeding beef cattle feed that contains at least 30% moisture.
k. "Frequent manure removal" means reducing PM emissions and wind erosion by harvesting loose manure on top of the pen surface at least once every six months.
l. "Pile manure between cleanings" means reducing PM emissions by collecting loose manure surface materials, by scraping or pushing, within the confines of the surface area of the occupied feed pen at least four times per year.
m. "Provide shade in corral" means reducing PM emissions by increasing stocking density and reducing animal movement by using a permanent structure, which provides at least 16 square feet per animal of shaded pen surface.
n. "Push equipment" means manure harvesting equipment pushed in front of a tractor.
o. "Store and maintain feed stock" means reducing PM emissions and wind erosion by storing feed stock in a covered area where the commodity is surrounded on at least three sides by a structure.
p. "Synthetic particulate suppressant" means reducing PM emissions and wind erosion by providing a stabilized soil surface on a commercial beef feedlot with a manufactured product such as lignosulfate, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, an emulsion of a petroleum product, an enzyme product, or polyacrylamide that is used to control particulate matter.
q. "Use drag equipment to maintain pens" means reducing PM emissions by using manure harvesting equipment pulled behind a tractor instead of using push equipment, which avoids dust accumulation in floor depressions.
r. "Wind barrier" means reducing PM10 emissions and wind erosion by constructing a fence or structure, or providing a woody vegetative barrier by planting a row of trees or shrubs, perpendicular or across the prevailing wind direction to reduce wind speed by changing the pattern of air flow over the land surface. For fences and structures, the wind barrier shall have a density of no less than 50% and the height of the wind barrier must be proportionate to the downwind protected area. The downwind protected area is considered ten times the height of the wind barrier. For vegetative barriers, compliance shall be determined by NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, Code 380, Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment, amended through August 21, 2009 (and no future editions).
4. The following definitions apply to a commercial poultry facility:
a. "Add moisture through ventilation systems" means reducing PM emissions by using a ventilation system that is designed to allow stock to maintain their normal body temperature without difficulty while maintaining a minimum of 20% moisture in the air within the housing system to bind small particles to larger particles.
b. "Add oil and/or moisture to the feed" means reducing PM emissions by adding a minimum of 1% edible oil and/or moisture to feed rations to bind small particles to larger particles.
c. "Aggregate cover" means reducing PM emissions, wind erosion and stabilizing soil by applying and maintaining gravel, concrete, recycled road base, caliche, or other similar material to unpaved roads or feed lanes. The aggregate should be clean, hard and durable, and should be applied and maintained to a minimum of three inches deep.
d. "Clean aisles between cage rows" means reducing PM emissions by cleaning the aisles between cage rows at least twice every 14 days to prevent dried manure, spilled feed, and debris accumulation.
e. "Clean fans, louvers, and soffit inlets in a commercial poultry facility" means reducing PM emissions by cleaning fans, louvers, and soffit inlets when the facility is empty between depopulating and populating the facility.
f. "Clean floors and walls in a commercial poultry facility" means reducing PM emissions by cleaning floors and walls to prevent dried manure, spilled feed, and debris accumulation when the facility is empty between depopulating and populating the facility.
g. "Commercial poultry facility" means a poultry operation with more than 25,000 egg laying hens within the boundary of the Maricopa PM nonattainment area and Maricopa County portion of Area A, a PM nonattainment area designated after June 1, 2009 as stated in A.R.S. § 49-457(O)(1)(f), or the Pinal County PM Nonattainment Area.
h. "Control vegetation on building exteriors" means reducing PM emissions by removing, cutting, or trimming vegetation that accumulates PM and restricts ventilation of the building, so as to leave approximately 3 feet between the vegetation and building.
i. "Enclose transfer points" means reducing PM emissions by enclosing the points of transfer between the enclosed, weatherproof storage structure and the enclosed feed distribution system, which reduce air contact with the feed rations during feed conveyance.
j. "House in fully enclosed ventilated buildings" means reducing PM emissions by utilizing fully enclosed buildings with sufficient ventilation.
k. "Maintain moisture in manure solids" means reducing PM emissions by maintaining a moisture content of a minimum of 15% in the solids sufficient to bind small particles to larger particles.
l. "Minimize drop distance" means reducing PM emissions by designing the feed distribution system so that the distance the feed ration drops from the feed distribution system into feeders is approximately 1 foot or less, which reduces air contact with the feed rations during feed conveyance.
m. "Poultry" means any domesticated bird including chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas, ratites and squabs.
n. "Remove spilled feed" means reducing PM emissions by removing spilled feed from the housing facility at least once every 14 days.
o. "Stack separated manure solids" means reducing PM emissions and wind erosion by reducing the amount of exposed surface area of manure solids.
p. "Store feed" means reducing PM emissions by storing feed in a structure that is enclosed and weatherproof, which reduces air contact with the feed rations during feed storage.
q. "Synthetic particulate suppressant" means reducing PM emissions and wind erosion by providing a stabilized soil surface on a commercial poultry operation with a manufactured product such as lignosulfate, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, an emulsion of a petroleum product, an enzyme product, or polyacrylamide that is used to control particulate matter.
r. "Use enclosed feed distribution system" means reducing PM emissions by using an enclosed feed conveyance system that distributes feed rations throughout the housing facility, which reduces air contact with the feed rations during feed conveyance.
s. "Use a flexible discharge spout" means reducing PM emissions and wind erosion at the time of bulk feed deliveries to the housing units by using a flexible discharge spout on the end of the feed truck transfer auger.
t. "Use no bedding in the production facility" means reducing PM emissions by not using bedding such as wood shavings, sawdust, peanut hulls, straw, or other organic material.
u. "Use of a rotary dryer to dry manure waste" means reducing PM10 emissions by drying the manure waste in a rotary dryer fitted with a baghouse or wet scrubber. A commercial poultry facility using a rotary dryer must comply with all of the following:
i. Install, maintain, and operate the baghouse or wet scrubber in a manner consistent with the manufacturer's specifications at all times the rotary dryer is operated. The manufacturer specifications must be available on site upon request.
ii. Conduct monthly observations using EPA Method 22 on the control equipment to ensure proper operation. If improper operation is observed through EPA Method 22, the dryer must stop immediately and the equipment repaired before resuming operations.
iii. For baghouses, conduct an annual black light inspection of the bags to detect broken or leaking bags. If broken or leaking bags are detected it must be repaired or replaced immediately.
iv. Maintain a record of all repair activity required under (ii) and (ii) that must be made available within two days of Director's request for inspection.
5. The following definitions apply to a commercial swine facility:
a. "Add oil and/or moisture to the feed" means reducing PM emissions by adding a minimum of 0.5% edible oil and/or moisture to feed rations to bind small particles to larger particles.
b. "Add moisture through ventilation systems" means reducing PM emissions by using a ventilation system that is designed to allow stock to maintain their normal body temperature without difficulty while maintaining minimum of 15% moisture in the air within the housing system to bind small particles to larger particles.
c. "Aggregate cover" means reducing PM emissions, wind erosion and stabilizing soil by applying and maintaining gravel, concrete, recycled road base, caliche, or other similar material to unpaved roads or feed lanes. The aggregate should be clean, hard and durable, and should be applied and maintained to a minimum of three inches deep.
d. "Clean aisles between pens and stalls" means reducing PM emissions by cleaning the aisles between pens and stalls at least twice every 14 days to prevent dried manure, spilled feed, and debris accumulation.
e. "Clean fans, louvers, and soffit inlets in a commercial swine facility" means reducing PM emissions by cleaning fans, louvers, and soffit inlets between transfer of animal groups, but in any case, at least every 6 months.
f. "Clean pens, floors and walls in a commercial swine facility" means reducing PM emissions by cleaning pens, floors, and walls between transfer of animal groups to prevent dried manure, spilled feed, and debris accumulation, but in any case, at least every 6 months.
g. "Commercial swine facility" means a swine operation with more than 50 animal units for more than 30 consecutive days within the boundary of the Maricopa PM nonattainment area and Maricopa County portion of Area A, a PM nonattainment area designated after June 1, 2009 as stated in A.R.S. § 49-457(O)(1)(f), or the Pinal County PM Nonattainment Area. One thousand pounds equals one animal unit.
h. "Control vegetation on building exteriors" means reducing PM emissions by removing, cutting, or trimming vegetation that accumulates PM and restricts ventilation of the building, so as to leave approximately 3 feet between the vegetation and the building.
i. "Enclose transfer points" means reducing PM emissions by enclosing the points of transfer between the enclosed, weatherproof storage structure and the enclosed feed distribution system, which reduces air contract with the feed rations during feed conveyance.
j. "House in fully enclosed ventilated buildings" means reducing PM emissions by utilizing fully enclosed buildings with sufficient ventilation.
k. "Lagoon" means a liquid manure storage and treatment pond.
l. "Maintain moisture in manure solids" means reducing PM10 emissions by maintaining a minimum moisture content of 10% in the solids sufficient to bind small particles to larger particles.
m. "Minimize drop distance" means reducing PM emissions by designing the feed distribution system so that the distance the feed ration drops from the feed distribution system into feeders is 3 feet or less, which reduces air contact with the feed rations during feed conveyance.
n. "Remove spilled feed" means reducing PM emissions by removing spilled feed from the housing facility at least once every 14 days.
o. "Slatted flooring" means reducing PM emissions by using flooring that is a slotted concrete or wire-mesh floor set above a liquid manure collection pit, which allows the excrement to fall though the flooring into the liquid pit below, which prevents solids build-up. Slats 4 to 8 inches wide with spacing of about 1 inch in between are recommended.
p. "Sloped concrete flooring" means reducing PM emissions by pouring concrete with a minimum of 0.25% grade inside of the barns which provides drainage and easier cleaning of floor areas.
q. "Stack separated manure solids" means reducing PM emissions and wind erosion by reducing the amount of exposed surface area of manure solids.
r. "Store feed" means reducing PM emissions by storing feed in a structure that is enclosed and weatherproof, which reduces air contact with the feed rations during feed storage.
s. "Store separated manure solids" means reducing PM emissions by storing manure solids in a wind-blocked area behind a wall, structure, or area with natural wind protection to minimize blowing air movement over the manure stack.
t. "Synthetic particulate suppressant" means reducing PM emissions and wind erosion by providing a stabilized soil surface on a commercial swine operation with a manufactured product such as lignosulfate, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, an emulsion of a petroleum product, an enzyme product, or polyacrylamide that is used to control particulate matter.
u. "Use a flexible discharge spout" means reducing PM emissions and wind erosion at the time of bulk feed deliveries to the housing units by using a flexible discharge spout on the end of the feed truck transfer auger.
v. "Use enclosed feed distribution system" means reducing PM emissions by using an enclosed feed conveyance system that distributes feed rations throughout the housing facility, which reduces air contact with the feed rations during the feed conveyance.
w. "Use no bedding in the production facility" means reducing PM emissions by not using bedding such as wood shavings, sawdust, peanut hulls, straw, or other organic material.

Ariz. Admin. Code § R18-2-611

New Section adopted by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 2009, effective May 12, 2000 (Supp. 00-2). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 13 A.A.R. 4326, effective November 14, 2007 (Supp. 07-4). Section repealed; new Section made by exempt rulemaking at 18 A.A.R. 137, effective December 29, 2011 (Supp. 11-4). Subsection (2)(a) corrected at request of the Department, Office File No. M12-133, filed April 5, 2012 (Supp. 11-4). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 30 A.A.R. 1156, effective 7/2/2015. Amended by exempt rulemaking at 22 A.A.R. 987, effective 4/5/2016. Amended by final exempt rulemaking at 27 A.A.R. 2747, effective 11/3/2021.