Ariz. Admin. Code § 18-2-302.01

Current through Register Vol. 31, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section R18-2-302.01 - Source Registration Requirements
A. Application. An application for registration shall be submitted on the form specified by the Director and shall include the following information:
1. The name of the applicant.
2. The physical location of the source, including the street address, city, county, zip code and latitude and longitude coordinates.
3. The source's maximum capacity to emit with any elective limits each regulated minor NSR pollutant.
4. Identification of any elective limits or controls adopted under subsection (F).
5. In the case of a modification, each increase in the source's maximum capacity to emit with any elective limits that exceeds the applicable threshold in subsection (G)(1)(a).
6. Identification of the method used to determine the maximum capacity to emit under R18-2-302(B)(3)(a), a change in the maximum capacity to emit under R18-2-302(B)(3)(d), or the maximum capacity to emit with any elective limits under subsection (G)(1)(a) of this Section.
7. Process information for the source, including a list of emission units, design capacity, operations schedule, and identification of emissions control devices.
B. Registration Processing Procedures.
1. The Department shall complete a review of a registration application for administrative completeness within 30 calendar days, calculated in accordance with A.A.C. R18-1-503, after its receipt.
2. The Department shall complete a substantive review and take final action on a registration application within 60 calendar days if no hearing is requested, and 90 calendar days if a hearing is requested, calculated in accordance with A.A.C. R18-1-504, after the application is administratively complete.

Except as provided in subsection (B)(5), a registration for construction of a source shall be subject to the public notice and participation requirements of R18-2-330. The materials relevant to the registration decision made available to the public under R18-2-330(D) shall include any determination made or modeling conducted by the Director under subsection (C).

4. The Department shall also send a copy of the notice required by subsection (B)(3) to the administrator through the appropriate regional office, and to all other state and local air pollution control agencies having jurisdiction in the region in which the source subject to the registration will be located. The notice shall also be sent to any other agency in the region having responsibility for implementing the procedures required under 40 CFR 51, Subpart I.
5. A registration for construction of a source shall not be subject to subsection (B)(3) or (4), if the source's maximum capacity to emit with any elective limits each regulated minor NSR pollutant is less than the applicable permitting exemption threshold.
C. Review for National Ambient Air Quality Standards Compliance; Requirement to Obtain a Permit.
1. The Director shall review each application for registration of a source with the maximum capacity to emit with any elective limits any regulated minor NSR pollutant in an amount equal to or greater than the permitting exemption threshold. The purpose of the review shall be to determine whether the new or modified source may interfere with attainment or maintenance of a national ambient air quality standard in any area . In making the determination required by this subsection, the Director shall take into account the following factors
a. The source's emission rates, including fugitive emission rates, taking into account any elective limits or controls adopted under subsection (F).
b. The location of emission units within the facility and their proximity to the ambient air.
c. The terrain in which the source is or will be located.
d. The source type.
e. The location and emissions of nearby sources.
f. Background concentrations of regulated minor NSR pollutants.
C. Review for National Ambient Air Quality Standards Compliance; Requirement to Obtain a Permit.
1. The Director shall review each application for registration of a source with the maximum capacity to emit with any elective limits any regulated minor NSR pollutant in an amount equal to or greater than the permitting exemption threshold. The purpose of the review shall be to determine whether the new or modified source may interfere with attainment or maintenance of a national ambient air quality standard in Arizona or any affected state or Indian reservation. In making the determination required by this subsection, the Director shall take into account the following factors:
a. The source's emission rates, including fugitive emission rates, taking into account any elective limits or controls adopted under subsection (F).
b. The location of emission units within the facility and their proximity to the ambient air.
c. The terrain in which the source is or will be located.
d. The source type.
e. The location and emissions of nearby sources.
f. Background concentrations of regulated minor NSR pollutants.
2. The Director may undertake the review specified in subsection (C)(1) for a source with the maximum capacity to emit with any elective limits regulated minor NSR pollutants in an amount less than the permitting exemption threshold.
3. If the Director determines under subsection (C)(1) or (C)(2) that a source's emissions may interfere with attainment or maintenance of a national ambient air quality standard, the Director shall perform a screening model run for each regulated minor NSR pollutant for which that determination has been made.
4. If the Director determines, based on performance of the screening model pursuant to subsection (C)(3), that a source's emissions, taking into account any elective limits or controls adopted under subsection (F), will interfere with attainment or maintenance of a national ambient air quality standard, the Director shall deny the application for registration. Notwithstanding R18-2-302(B)(3), the owner or operator of the source shall be required to obtain a permit under R18-2-302 and shall comply with R18-2-334 before beginning actual construction of the source or modification.
D. Requirement to Obtain a Permit. Notwithstanding R18-2-302(B)(3)(b) and (c), the Director shall deny an application for registration for a source subject to a standard under section 111 or 112 of the Act and require the owner or operator to obtain a permit under R18-2-302, if the Director determines based on the following factors that the requirement to obtain a permit is warranted:
1. The size and complexity of the source.
2. The complexity of the section 111 or 112 standard applicable to the source.
3. The public health or environmental risks posed by the pollutants subject to regulation under the section 111 or 112 standard.
E. Registration Contents. A registration shall contain the following elements:
1. Enforceable emission limitations and standards, including operational requirements and limitations, that ensure compliance with all applicable SIP requirements at the time of issuance and any testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting obligations imposed by the applicable requirement or by R18-2-312.
2. Any elective limits or controls and associated operating, maintenance, monitoring and recordkeeping requirements adopted pursuant to subsection (F).
3. A requirement to retain any records required by the registration at the source for at least three years in a form that is suitable for expeditious inspection and review.
4. For any source that has adopted elective limits or controls under subsection (F), a requirement to submit an annual compliance report on the form provided by the Director in the registration.
F. Elective Limits or Controls. The owner or operator of a source requiring registration may elect to include any of the following emission limitations in the registration, provided the Department approves the limitation and the registration also includes the operating, maintenance, monitoring, and recordkeeping requirements specified below for the limitation.
1. A limitation on the hours of operation of any process or combination of processes.
a. The registration shall express the limitation in terms of hours per rolling 12-month period and shall specify the process or combination of processes subject to the limitation.
b. The owner or operator shall maintain a log or readily available business records showing actual operating hours through the preceding operating day for the process or processes subject to the limitation.
2. A limitation on the production rate for any process or combination of processes.
a. The registration shall express the limitation in terms of an appropriate unit of mass or production per rolling 12-month period and shall specify the process or combination of processes subject to the limitation.
b. The owner or operator shall maintain a log or readily available business records showing the actual production rate through the preceding operating day for the process or processes subject to the limitation. The owner or operator shall update the log or business records at least once per operating day.
3. A requirement to operate a fabric filter for the control of particulate matter emissions.
a. The owner or operator shall operate the fabric filter at all times that the emission unit controlled by the fabric filter is operated.
b. The owner or operator shall inspect the fabric filter at least once per month for tears and leaks and shall promptly repair any tears or leaks identified. If the fabric filter is subject to a limit on the opacity of emissions, the inspection shall include an opacity observation in accordance with the applicable reference method.
c. The owner or operator shall operate and maintain the fabric filter in substantial compliance with the manufacturer's operation and maintenance recommendations.
d. The owner or operator shall keep a log or readily available business records of the inspections required by subsection (F)(3)(b) and the maintenance activities required by subsection (F)(3)(c). The owner or operator shall update the log or business records within 24 hours after an inspection or maintenance activity is performed.
e. The registration shall identify the fabric filters and processes subject to this requirement.
4. Limitations on the total amount of VOC or hazardous air pollutants in solvents, coatings or other process materials used at the registered source.
a. The registration shall identify the pollutants and processes covered by the limitations and shall express the limitations in terms of pounds per rolling 12-month period.
b. The owner or operator shall maintain a log or readily available business records showing the concentration of each covered VOC or hazardous air pollutant in each VOC or hazardous air pollutant containing material used at the source. The owner or operator shall update the records whenever the concentration in any material changes or a new material is used. The presence at the source of a current material safety data sheet for a material used without dilution or other alteration satisfies this requirement.
c. The owner or operator shall maintain a spreadsheet or database to record the amount of each material containing a covered VOC or hazardous air pollutant used. The spreadsheet or database shall calculate the total pounds of the VOC or hazardous air pollutant used by multiplying the concentration of VOC or hazardous air pollutant in a material by the amount of material used and shall employ appropriate units of measurement and conversion factors. The owner or operator shall update the spreadsheet or database at least once per operating day.
G. Revised Registrations.
1. Unless a Class II permit is required under R18-2-302(B)(2)(b), the owner or operator of a registered source shall file a revised registration on the occurrence of any of the following:
a. A modification to the source that would result in an increase in the source's maximum capacity to emit with any elective limits exceeding any of the following amounts:
i. 2.5 tons per year for NOx, SO2, PM10, PM2.5, VOC or CO.
ii. 0.3 tons per year for lead.
b. Relocation of a portable source.
c. The transfer of the source to a new owner.
2. The requirements of subsection (B) shall not apply to a revised registration. The owner or operator may begin actual construction and operation of the modified, relocated or transferred source on filing the revised registration.
H. Registration Term.
1. A source's registration shall expire five years after the date of issuance of the last registration for the source or any modification to the source.
2. A source shall submit an application for renewal of a registration not later than six months before expiration of the registration's term.
3. If a source submits a timely and complete application for renewal of a registration, the source's authorization to operate under its existing registration shall continue until the Director takes final action on the application.
4. The Director may terminate a registration under R18-2-321(C). If the Director terminates a registration under R18-2-321(C)(3), the owner or operator shall be required to apply for a permit for the source under R18-2-302.
I. Issuance of a registration shall not relieve the owner or operator of the responsibility to comply fully with applicable provisions of the SIP and any other requirements under local, state, or federal law.

Ariz. Admin. Code § R18-2-302.01

Amended effective August 7, 1975 (Supp. 75-1); Former Section R9-3-302 repealed, new Section R9-3-302 adopted effective May 14, 1979 (Supp. 79-1). Former Section R9-3-302 repealed, new Section R9-3-302 adopted effective October 2, 1979 (Supp. 79-5). Former Section R9-3-302 repealed, new Section R9-3-302 adopted effective May 28, 1982 (Supp. 82-3). Former Section R9-3-302 renumbered without change as Section R18-2-302 (Supp. 87-3). Section R18-2-302.01 renumbered from Section R18-2-302 and amended effective September 26, 1990 (Supp. 90-3). Section repealed effective November 15, 1993 (Supp. 93-4). New Section made by final rulemaking at 18 A.A.R. 1542, effective August 7, 2012 (Supp. 12-2). Amended by final rulemaking at 23 A.A.R. 333, effective 3/21/2017. Amended by final rulemaking at 25 A.A.R. 3630, effective 2/1/2020.