Ariz. Admin. Code § tit. 18, ch. 2, APPENDICES, app 9

Current through Register Vol. 31, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Appendix 9 - Monitoring Requirements

A9.1. Unless otherwise approved by the Director or specified in applicable Sections, the requirements of this Appendix shall apply to all continuous monitoring systems required under applicable Sections.

A9.2. All continuous monitoring systems and monitoring devices shall be installed and operational prior to conducting performance tests under rule R18-2-312. Verification of operational status shall, as a minimum, consist of the following:

A9.2.1. For continuous monitoring systems referenced in A9.3.1. below, completion of the conditioning period specified by applicable requirements in the Arizona Testing Manual and 40 CFR 60.

A9.2.2. For continuous monitoring systems referenced in A9.3.2. below, completion of seven days of operation.

A9.2.3. For monitoring devices referenced in other applicable Sections, completions of the manufacturer's written requirements or recommendations for checking the operation or calibration of the device.

A9.3. During any performance tests required under rule R18-2-312 or within 30 days thereafter and at such other times as may be required by the Director, the owner or operator of any affected facility shall conduct continuous monitoring system performance evaluations and furnish the Director within 60 days thereof, 2, or upon request, more copies of a written report of the results of such tests. The continuous monitoring system performance evaluations shall be conducted in accordance with the following specifications and procedures:

A9.3.1. Continuous monitoring systems listed within this subsection, except as provided in A9.3.2. below shall be evaluated in accordance with the requirements and procedures contained in the applicable performance specification of the Arizona Testing Manual and 40 CFR 60.

A9.3.1.1. Continuous monitoring systems for measuring opacity of emissions shall comply with Performance Specification 1.

A9.3.1.2. Continuous monitoring systems for measuring nitrogen oxides emissions shall comply with Performance Specification 2.

A9.3.1.3. Continuous monitoring systems for measuring sulfur dioxide emissions shall comply with Performance Specification 2.

A9.3.1.4. Continuous monitoring systems for measuring the oxygen content or carbon dioxide content of effluent gases shall comply with Performance Specification 3.

A9.3.2. An owner or operator who, prior to September 11, 1974, entered into a binding contractual obligation to purchase specific continuous monitoring system components except as referenced by A9.3.2.3. below shall comply with the following requirements:

A9.3.2.1. Continuous monitoring systems for measuring opacity of emissions shall be capable of measuring emission levels within ± 20%. The Calibration Error Test and associated calculation procedures set forth in Performance Specification 1 of 40 CFR 60, Appendix B shall be used for demonstrating compliance with this specification.

A9.3.2.2. Continuous monitoring systems for measurement of nitrogen oxides or sulfur dioxide shall be capable of measuring emission levels within ± 20% with a confidence level of 95%. The Calibration Error Test, the Field Test for Accuracy (Relative), and associated operating and calculation procedures set forth in Performance Specification 2 of 40 CFR 60, Appendix B shall be used for demonstrating compliance with this specification.

A9.3.2.3. Owners or operators of all continuous monitoring systems installed on an affected facility prior to October 6, 1975, are not required to conduct tests under A9.3.2.1. and/or A9.3.2.2. above unless requested by the Director.

A9.3.3. All continuous monitoring systems referenced by A9.3.2. above shall be upgraded or replaced (if necessary) with new continuous monitoring systems, and such improved systems shall be demonstrated to comply with applicable performance specifications under A9.3.1. above by September 11, 1979.

A9.4. Owners or operators of all continuous monitoring systems installed in accordance with the provisions of these rules shall check the zero and span drift at least once daily in accordance with the method prescribed by the manufacturer of such systems unless the manufacturer recommends adjustments at shorter intervals, in which case such recommendations shall be followed. The zero and span shall, as a minimum, be adjusted whenever the 24-hour zero drift or 24-hour calibration drift limits of the applicable performance specifications in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B are exceeded. For continuous monitoring systems measuring opacity of emissions, the optical surfaces exposed to the effluent gases shall be cleaned prior to performing the zero or span drift adjustments except that for systems using automatic zero adjustments, the optical surfaces shall be cleaned when the cumulative automatic zero compensation exceeds 4% opacity. Unless otherwise approved by the Director, the following procedures, as applicable, shall be followed:

A9.4.1. For extractive continuous monitoring systems measuring gases, minimum procedures shall include introducing applicable zero and span gas mixtures into the measurement system as near the probe as practical. Span and zero gases certified by their manufacturer to be traceable to the National Bureau of Standards reference gases will be used whenever these reference gases are available. The span and zero gas mixtures shall be the same composition as specified in the 40 CFR 60, Appendix B. Every six months from date of manufacture, span and zero gases shall be re-analyzed by conducting triplicate analyses with Reference Methods 6 for SO2 , 7 for NOx and 3 for O2 and CO2 , respectively. The gases may be analyzed at less frequent intervals if longer shelf lives are guaranteed by the manufacturer.

A9.4.2. For nonextractive continuous monitoring systems measuring gases, minimum procedures shall include upscale check(s) using a certified calibration gas cell or test cell which is functionally equivalent to a known gas concentration. The zero check may be performed by computing the zero value from upscale measurements or by mechanically producing a zero condition.

A9.4.3. For continuous monitoring systems measuring opacity of emissions, minimum procedures shall include a method for producing a simulated zero opacity condition and an upscale (span) opacity condition using a certified neutral density filter or other related technique to produce a known obscuration of the light beam. Such procedures shall provide a system check of the analyzer internal optical surfaces and all electronic circuitry including the lamp and photodetector assembly.

A9.5. Except for system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and zero and span adjustments required under A9.4. above, all continuous monitoring systems shall be in continuous operation and shall meet minimum frequency of operation requirements as follows:

A9.5.1. All continuous monitoring systems referenced by A9.3.1. and A9.3.2. above for measuring opacity of emissions shall complete a minimum of one cycle of operation (sampling, analyzing, and data recording) for each successive 10-second period.

A9.5.2. All continuous monitoring systems referenced by A9.3.1. above for measuring oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, or oxygen shall complete a minimum of one cycle of operation (sampling, analyzing, and data recording) for each successive 15-minute period.

A9.5.3. All continuous monitoring systems referenced by A9.3.2. above, except opacity, shall complete a minimum of one cycle of operation (sampling, analyzing, and data recording) for each successive one-hour period.

A9.6. All continuous monitoring systems for monitoring devices shall be installed such that representative measurements of emissions or process parameters from the affected facility are obtained. Additional procedures for location of continuous monitoring systems contained in the applicable Performance Specifications of 40 CFR 60, Appendix B shall be used.

A9.7. When the effluents from a single affected facility or two or more affected facilities subject to the same emission standards are combined before being released to the atmosphere, the owner or operator may install applicable continuous monitoring systems on each effluent or on the combined effluent. When the affected facilities are not subject to the same emission standards, separate continuous monitoring systems shall be installed on each effluent. When the effluent from one affected facility is released to the atmosphere through more than one point, the owner or operator shall install applicable continuous monitoring systems on each separate effluent unless the installation of fewer systems is approved by the Director.

A9.8. Owners or operators of all continuous monitoring systems for measurement of opacity shall reduce all data to six-minute averages and for systems other than opacity to one-hour averages, respectively. Six minute opacity averages shall be calculated from 24 or more data points equally spaced over each six-minute period. For systems other than opacity, one-hour averages shall be computed from four or more data points equally spaced over each one-hour period. Data recorded during periods of system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and zero and span adjustments shall not be included in the data averages computed under this subsection. An arithmetic or integrated average of all data may be used. The data output of all continuous monitoring systems may be recorded in reduced or nonreduced form (e.g. ppm pollutant and percent O2 or lb/million Btu of pollutant). All excess emissions shall be converted into units of the standard using the applicable conversion procedures specified in subparts. After conversion into units of the standard, the data may be rounded to the same number of significant digits used in these rules to specify the applicable standard (e.g., rounded to the nearest 1% opacity).

A9.9. Upon written application by an owner or operator, the Director may approve alternatives to any monitoring procedures or requirements of these rules including, but not limited to the following:

A9.9.1. Alternative monitoring requirements when installation of a continuous monitoring system or monitoring device specified by these rules would not provide accurate measurements due to liquid water or other interferences caused by substances with the effluent gases.

A9.9.2. Alternative monitoring requirements when the affected facility is infrequently operated.

A9.9.3. Alternative monitoring requirements to accommodate continuous monitoring systems that require additional measurements to correct for stack moisture conditions.

A9.9.4. Alternative locations for installing continuous monitoring systems or monitoring devices when the owner or operator can demonstrate that installation at alternate locations will enable accurate and representative measurements.

A9.9.5. Alternative methods of converting pollutant concentration measurements to units of the standards.

A9.9.6. Alternative procedures for performing daily checks of zero and span drift that do not involve use of span gases or test cells.

A9.9.7. Alternatives to the ASTM test methods or sampling procedures specified by any subpart.

A9.9.8. Alternative continuous monitoring systems that do not meet the design or performance requirements in Performance Specification 1 in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B but adequately demonstrate a definite and consistent relationship between its measurements and the measurements of opacity by a system complying with the requirements in Performance Specification 1. The Director may require that such demonstration be performed for each affected facility.

A9.9.9. Alternative monitoring requirements when the effluent from a single affected facility or the combined effluent from two or more affected facilities are released to the atmosphere through more than one point.

Ariz. Admin. Code tit. 18, ch. 2, APPENDICES, app 9

Adopted effective May 14, 1979 (Supp. 79-1). Amended effective September 26, 1990 (Supp. 90-3). Amended effective June 15, 1995 (Supp. 95-2).