Ariz. Admin. Code § tit. 18, ch. 2, APPENDICES, app 14

Current through Register Vol. 31, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Appendix 14 - Procedures for Sulfur Dioxide and Lead Fugitive Emissions Studies for the Hayden Smelter

A14.1. Applicability This appendix applies to the owner or operator of the primary copper smelter located in Hayden, Arizona at latitude 33º0'15"N and longitude 110º46'31"W.

A14.2. Study Objectives The owner or operator shall conduct fugitive emissions studies to derive a measurement or accurate estimate of total fugitive sulfur dioxide and lead emissions from the Hayden smelter during operations, including planned and unplanned start-up and shutdown periods and malfunctions, for the processes identified in A14.3 below. The studies shall include uncaptured fugitive sulfur dioxide emissions from the smelter processing units, but not emissions due solely to the use of fuel for space heating or steam generation, burners at anode casting, or slag pouring at the slag dump. The studies shall evaluate the extent to which correlations may exist between fugitive sulfur dioxide, lead, and particulate matter (PM/PM10/ PM2.5) emissions, and shall develop such correlations as feasible.

The studies shall also be used to help validate that the operating conditions or ranges specified in the capture and control device maintenance and operations plans required in R18-2-B1301(D)(2) and R18-2-B1302(D)(2) are consistent with operating conditions demonstrating attainment of the 2008 Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) in the Hayden 2008 Lead NAAQS Nonattainment Area State Implementation Plan (SIP) and the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS in the Hayden 2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS Nonattainment Area SIP.

A14.3. Processes Evaluated

From the fugitive emissions studies, the owner or operator shall develop an emission factor or accurate estimate of fugitive emissions for sulfur dioxide and lead during operations, including planned and unplanned start-up and shutdown periods and malfunctions, produced by each of the following smelting processes:

i. Flash furnace building, including flash furnace and dryer operations

ii. Converter aisle, including converter and related operations

iii. Anode furnace aisle, including oxidizing, poling and related operations

A14.4. Averaging Periods

The emission estimate shall include the average pounds per hour emission factor for the fugitive lead and sulfur dioxide emissions from each step in the smelting process identified in A14.3. The estimate shall include all time periods, including planned and unplanned start-up and shutdown periods and malfunctions.

A14.5. Methods and Study Protocols

The owner or operator shall submit to the Department and EPA Region IX for review and approval study protocols at least six months prior to conducting fugitive emission studies. Study protocols must be approved by the Department and EPA Region IX prior to commencement of fugitive emissions studies. Study protocols shall specify the method(s) used to meet the study objectives as described in A14.2, including during all recurring operating scenarios from all processes identified in A14.3.

Each fugitive emissions measurement system shall include validation of adequate velocity for flow measurements (i.e., the expected exhaust velocity is within the measurement range of the instrument), and have a sufficient number of flow and temperature sensors to ensure calculation of representative exhaust flows through each roof monitor vent. The number of such sensors and their locations for each monitoring system shall account for the physical configuration of the roof monitor vent, the locations of emitting activities relative to the roof monitor vent, and heat generated by the equipment served by the roof monitor vent.

The fugitive emissions studies shall include operation and process information to help understand the emission impacts of startup, shutdown, malfunctions, and significant changes in process operations. This shall include, for example, dates, times and duration of these events, cause of malfunctions, and descriptions of process changes.

After the completion of each fugitive emissions study, the owner or operator shall modify study methods based on data and lessons learned from previous studies, and submit such modified methods in the proceeding study protocols prior to conducting future emissions studies.

A14.6. Study Duration, Frequency, and Submission Schedule The first fugitive emissions study must commence not later than six months after the completion of the Converter Retrofit Project authorized by Significant Permit Revision No. 60647. The second study commencement date shall occur within the same calendar quarter, but five years later from the date of commencement of the first study. The owner or operator shall submit the results of each fugitive emissions study in a report to the Department and EPA Region IX for review and approval not later than six months after completing a study. The data collection portion of the first and second fugitive emissions studies shall be conducted for a period of 12 months to assess the content and quantity of fugitive sulfur dioxide and lead emissions.

A14.7. Study Reports and Subsequent Studies At minimum, fugitive emission study reports submitted pursuant to A14.6 must include:

i. Resultant emission factors used to determine fugitive emissions of sulfur dioxide and lead.

ii. Resultant average fugitive lead emissions for each process identified in A14.3.

iii. Resultant peak one-hour fugitive sulfur dioxide emissions for each process identified in A14.3.

iv. Seasonal differences, if any.

v. Comparisons of results from past studies, if any.

vi. Descriptions and identification of volumetric flow monitoring provisions in R18-2-B1301(D)(2)(a) and R18-2-B1302(D)(2)(a) and operational limits R18-2-B1301(D)(2)(b) and R18-2-B1302(D)(2)(b) that are associated with fugitive emissions.

vii. An analysis of whether the results from a study demonstrate that the volumetric flow monitoring provisions in R18-2-B1301(D)(2)(a) and R18-2-B1302(D)(2)(a) and the operational limits in R18-2-B1301(D)(2)(b) and R18-2-B1302(D)(2)(b) continuously ensure that actual fugitive sulfur dioxide and lead emissions are consistent with the modeled emission rates used in the attainment demonstrations in the Hayden 2008 Lead NAAQS Nonattainment Area SIP and the Hayden 2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS Nonattainment Area SIP. The analysis must also identify subsequent fugitive emissions studies, if any, needed to remedy inaccurate operational limits and volumetric flow monitoring provisions and to ensure attainment of the 2008 Lead NAAQS and 2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS. The scope, duration, and frequency of any subsequent fugitive emissions studies must also be identified. This provision and the report's conclusion neither require nor prohibit future fugitive emission studies.

viii. An analysis of whether supplemental modeling is needed to demonstrate that resultant fugitive emissions from a study provide attainment of the 2008 Lead NAAQS and 2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS.

ix. A summary of methods as followed per approved study protocols.

A14.8. Revisions to Operations and Maintenance Plan

If an analysis conducted in accordance with A14.7(vi) demonstrates that fugitive emissions associated with volumetric flow monitoring provisions in R18-2-B1301(D)(2)(a) and R18-2-B1302(D)(2)(a) and operational limits in R18-2-B1301(D)(2)(b) and R18-2-B1302(D)(2)(b) may exceed the modeled emission rates used in the Hayden 2008 Lead NAAQS Nonattainment Area SIP attainment demonstration and/or the Hayden 2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS Nonattainment Area SIP attainment demonstration, and result in an increased likelihood of a NAAQS exceedance based on modeling required under A14.9, then the owner or operator shall submit to the Department for approval, not later than six months after completing a study, recommended changes to operational limits and volumetric flow monitoring provisions as an operations and maintenance plan revision pursuant to R18-2-B1301(D)(2)(e) and R18-2-B1302(D)(2)(e) that would achieve necessary fugitive emissions levels to demonstrate attainment of the NAAQS at the same level of assurance as in the attainment demonstrations. Until receiving approval of the plan revision, the owner or operator shall operate and maintain the volumetric flow monitoring provisions and the operational limits in accordance with the plan as initially submitted pursuant to R18-2-B1301(D)(2)(e) and R18-2-B1302(D)(2)(e). Additionally, the owner and operator shall submit new attainment demonstrations pursuant to A14.9, making appropriate demonstrations of attainment at adjusted fugitive emissions levels.

Similarly, if an analysis conducted in accordance with A14.7(vi) demonstrates that fugitive emissions associated with the volumetric flow monitoring provisions in R18-2-B1301(D)(2)(a) and R18-2-B1302(D)(2)(a) and operational limits in R18-2-B1301(D)(2)(b) and R18-2-B1302(D)(2)(b) may exceed the modeled emission rates used in the Hayden 2008 Lead NAAQS Nonattainment Area SIP attainment demonstration and/or the Hayden 2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS Nonattainment Area SIP attainment demonstration, and result in an increased likelihood of a NAAQS exceedance based on modeling required under A14.9, then the Department shall submit appropriate changes to the operational limits and volumetric flow monitoring provisions, and any revised attainment demonstration pursuant to A14.9, if applicable, to EPA Region IX as a SIP revision not later than 12 months after completion of a fugitive emissions study.

A14.9. Supplemental Modeling

If an analysis conducted in accordance with A14.7(vii) demonstrates that fugitive emissions associated with volumetric flow monitoring provisions in R18-2-B1301(D)(2)(a) and R18-2-B1302(D)(2)(a) and operational limits in R18-2-B1301(D)(2)(b) and R18-2-B1302(D)(2)(b) are greater than the modeled emission rates used in the Hayden 2008 Lead NAAQS Nonattainment Area SIP attainment demonstration and/or the Hayden 2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS Nonattainment Area SIP attainment demonstration, the owner or operator shall remodel to demonstrate whether the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS and/or 2008 Lead NAAQS will be attained as such higher rates. The owner or operator shall submit such modeling to the Department and EPA Region IX for review and approval not later than six months after completing a fugitive emissions study.

If the revised modeling demonstrates that the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS and/or 2008 Lead NAAQS will be attained, the Department shall submit such modeling demonstration and revised fugitive emissions assumptions as a SIP revision to EPA Region IX not later than 12 months after completion of a fugitive emissions study. Alternatively, the owner or operator shall propose additional emission control requirements to revise the SIP, or any combination of revised control measures and modeled attainment, to demonstrate attainment of the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS and/or 2008 Lead NAAQS.

Ariz. Admin. Code tit. 18, ch. 2, APPENDICES, app 14

New Section made by final rulemaking at 23 A.A.R. 767, effective 4/7/2017. A14, Appendix 14 made by final rulemaking at 23 A.A.R. 722, effective May 7, 2017 (Supp. 17-1). Because of a clerical error in Supp. 17-1, A14. Appendix 14 was inadvertently published at the end of Article 13. At the request of the Department it has been moved to the end of this Chapter (Supp. 17-3).