Ariz. Admin. Code § tit. 18, ch. 11, art. 6, tbl. 2

Current through Register Vol. 31, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Table 2 - Minimum Number of Samples Exceeding the Numeric Standard

Number of Samples Number of Samples Exceeding Standard Number of Samples Number of Samples Exceeding Standard Number of Samples Number of Samples Exceeding Standard
From To From To From To
20 25 5 174 182 24 344 352 43
26 32 6 183 191 25 353 361 44
33 40 7 192 199 26 362 370 45
41 47 8 200 208 27 371 379 46
48 55 9 209 217 28 380 388 47
56 63 10 218 226 29 389 397 48
64 71 11 227 235 30 398 406 49
72 79 12 236 244 31 407 415 50
80 88 13 245 253 32 416 424 51
89 96 14 254 262 33 425 434 52
97 104 15 263 270 34 435 443 53
105 113 16 271 279 35 444 452 54
114 121 17 280 288 36 453 461 55
122 130 18 289 297 37 462 470 56
131 138 19 298 306 38 471 479 57
139 147 20 307 315 39 480 489 58
148 156 21 316 324 40 490 498 59
157 164 22 325 333 41 499 500 60
165 173 23 334 343 42

2. The Department shall place a surface water or segment on the 303(d) List, following subsection (B) without the required number of samples or numeric water quality standard exceedances under subsection (D)(1), if either the following conditions occur:
a. More than one temporally independent sample in any consecutive three-year period exceeds the surface water quality standard in:
i. The acute water quality standard for a pollutant listed in 18 A.A.C. 11, Article 1, Appendix A, Table 2 and the acute water quality standards in R18-11-112;
ii. The surface water quality standard for nitrate or nitrate/nitrite in 18 A.A.C. 11, Article 1, Appendix A, Table 1; or
iii. The single sample maximum water quality standard for bacteria in subsections R18-11-109(A).
b. More than one exceedance of an annual mean, 90th percentile, aquatic and wildlife chronic water quality standard, or a bacteria 30-day geometric mean water quality standard occurs, as specified in R18-11-109, R18-11-110, R18-11-112, or 18 A.A.C. 11, Article 1, Appendix A, Table 2.
3. Narrative water quality standards exceedances. The Department shall place a surface water or segment on the Planning List if the listing requirements are met under A.R.S. § 49-232(F).
E. Removing a surface water, segment, or pollutant from the Planning List or the 303(d) List.
1. Planning List. The Department shall remove a surface water, segment, or pollutant from the Planning List when:
a. Monitoring activities indicate that:
i. There is sufficient credible data to determine that the surface water or segment is impaired under subsection (D), in which case the Department shall place the surface water or segment on the 303(d) List. This includes surface waters with an EPA approved TMDL when the Department determines that the TMDL strategy is insufficient for the surface water or segment to attain water quality standards; or
ii. There is sufficient credible data to determine that the surface water or segment is attaining all designated uses and standards.
b. All pollutants for the surface water or segment are delisted.
2. 303(d) List. The Department shall:
a. Remove a pollutant from a surface water or segment from the 303(d) List based on one or more of the following criteria:
i. The Department developed, and EPA approved, a TMDL for the pollutant;
ii. The data used for previously listing the surface water or segment under R18-11-605(D) is superseded by more recent credible and scientifically defensible data meeting the requirements of R18-11-602, showing that the surface water or segment meets the applicable numeric or narrative surface water quality standard. When evaluating data to remove a pollutant from the 303(d) List, the monitoring entity shall collect the more recent data under similar hydrologic or climatic conditions as occurred when the samples were taken that indicated impairment, if those conditions still exist;
iii. The surface water or segment no longer meets the criteria for impairment based on a change in the applicable surface water quality standard or a designated use approved by EPA under section 303(c)(1) of the Clean Water Act;
iv. The surface water or segment no longer meets the criteria for impairment for the specific narrative water quality standard based on a change in narrative water quality standard implementation procedures;
v. A re-evaluation of the data indicate that the surface water or segment does not meet the criteria for impairment because of a deficiency in the original analysis; or
vi. Pollutant loadings from naturally occurring conditions alone are sufficient to cause a violation of applicable water quality standards;
b. Remove a surface water, segment, or pollutant from the 303(d) List, based on criteria that are no more stringent than the listing criteria under subsection (D);
c. Remove a surface water or segment from the 303(d) List if all pollutants for the surface water or segment are removed from the list;
d. Remove a surface water, segment, or pollutant, from the 303(d) List and place it on the Planning List, if:
i. The surface water, segment or pollutant was on the 1998 303(d) List and the dataset used in the original listing does not meet the credible data requirements under R18-11-602, or contains insufficient samples to meet the data requirements under subsection (D); or
ii. The monitoring data indicate that the impairment is due to pollution, but not a pollutant.

Ariz. Admin. Code tit. 18, ch. 11, art. 6, tbl. 2

New Section made by final rulemaking at 8 A.A.R. 3380, effective July 12, 2002 (Supp. 02-3).