Ariz. Admin. Code § 18-11-107.01

Current through Register Vol. 31, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section R18-11-107.01 - Antidegradation Criteria
A. Tier 1 antidegradation protection.
1. Tier 1 antidegradation protection applies to the following surface waters:
a. A surface water listed on the 303(d) list for the pollutant that resulted in the listing,
b. An effluent dependent water,
c. An ephemeral water,
d. An intermittent water, and
e. A canal listed in Appendix B.
2. A regulated discharge shall not cause a violation of a surface water quality standard or a wasteload allocation in a total maximum daily load approved by EPA.
3. Except as provided in subsections (E) and (F), Tier 1 antidegradation review requirements are satisfied for a point-source discharge regulated under an individual AZPDES permit to an ephemeral water, effluent dependent water, intermittent water, or a canal listed in Appendix B, if water quality-based effluent limitations designed to achieve compliance with applicable surface water quality standards are established in the permit and technology-based requirements of the Clean Water Act for the point source discharge are met.
B. Tier 2 antidegradation protection.
1. Tier 2 antidegradation protection applies to a perennial water with existing water quality that is better than applicable water quality standards. A perennial water that is not listed in subsection (A)(1) nor classified as an OAW under A.A.C. R18-9-112(G) has Tier 2 antidegradation protection for all pollutants of concern.
2. A regulated discharge that meets the following criteria, at critical flow conditions, does not cause significant degradation:
a. The regulated discharge consumes less than 20 percent of the available assimilative capacity for each pollutant of concern, and
b. At least 50 percent of the assimilative capacity for each pollutant of concern remains available in the surface water for each pollutant of concern.
3. Antidegradation review. Any person proposing a new or expanded regulated discharge under an individual AZPDES permit that may cause significant degradation shall provide ADEQ with the following information:
a. Baseline characterization. A person seeking authorization to discharge under an individual AZPDES permit to a perennial water shall provide baseline water quality data on pollutants of concern where no data exists or there are insufficient data to characterize baseline water quality and to determine available assimilative capacity. A discharger shall characterize baseline water quality at a location upstream of the proposed discharge location;
b. Alternative analysis.
i. The person seeking authorization for the discharge shall prepare and submit a written analysis of alternatives to the discharge. The analysis shall provide information on all reasonable, cost-effective, less-degrading or non-degrading discharge alternatives. Alternatives may include wastewater treatment process changes or upgrades, pollution prevention measures, source reduction, water reclamation, alternative discharge locations, groundwater recharge, land application or treatment, local pretreatment programs, improved operation and maintenance of existing systems, seasonal or controlled discharge to avoid critical flow conditions, and zero discharge;
ii. The alternatives analysis shall include cost information on base pollution control measures associated with the regulated discharge and cost information for each alternative;
iii. The person shall implement the alternative that is cost-effective and reasonable, results in the least degradation, and is approved by the Director. An alternative is cost-effective and reasonable if treatment costs associated with the alternative are less than a 10 percent increase above the cost of base pollution control measures;
iv. For purposes of this subsection, "base pollution control measures" are water pollution control measures required to meet technology-based requirements of the Clean Water Act and water quality-based effluent limits designed to achieve compliance with applicable water quality standards; and
c. Social and economic justification. The person shall demonstrate to the Director that significant degradation is necessary to accommodate important economic or social development in the local area. The person seeking authorization for the discharge shall prepare a written social and economic justification that includes a description of the following:
i. The geographic area where significant degradation of existing water quality will occur;
ii. The current baseline social and economic conditions in the local area;
iii. The net positive social and economic effects of development associated with the regulated discharge and allowing significant degradation;
iv. The negative social, environmental, and economic effects of allowing significant degradation of existing water quality; and
v. Alternatives to the regulated discharge that do not significantly degrade water quality yet may yield comparable social and economic benefits.

4. For purposes of this Section, the term "pollutant of concern" means a pollutant with either a numeric or narrative water quality standard.
5. Public participation. The Director shall provide public notice and an opportunity to comment on an antidegradation review under subsection (B)(3) and shall provide an opportunity for a public hearing under A.A.C. R18-9-A908(B).
C. Tier 3 antidegradation protection.
1. Tier 3 antidegradation protection applies only to an OAW listed in R18-11-112(G).
2. A new or expanded point-source discharge directly to an OAW is prohibited.
3. A person seeking authorization for a regulated discharge to a tributary to, or upstream of, an OAW shall demonstrate in a permit application or in other documentation submitted to ADEQ that the regulated discharge will not degrade existing water quality in the downstream OAW
4. A discharge regulated under a § 404 permit that may affect existing water quality of an OAW requires a determination by the Director to ensure that existmg water quality is maintained and protected and any water quality impacts are temporary. Temporary water quality impacts are those impacts that occur for a period of six months or less and are not regularly occurring The form of such a determination shall be as follows:
a. For Corps-issued § 404 permits, an individual § 401 water quality certification.
b. For Director-issued § 404 permits, a § 404 permit action, wherein the Director shall conduct a water quality evaluation as a part of the state's requirements for issuing § 404 permits and in accordance with this section.
D. Antidegradation review of a § 404 permit shall be conducted as follows:
1. For a Corps-issued § 404 pemit. The Director shall conduct the antidegradation review of any discharge authorized under a nationwide or regional § 404 permit as part of the § 401 water quality certification prior to issuance of the nationwide or regional permit. The Director shall conduct the antidegradation review of an individual § 404 permit if the discharge may degrade existing water quality in an OAW or a water listed on the 303(d) List of impaired waters. For regulated discharges that may degrade water quality in an OAW or a water that is on the 303(d) List of impaired waters, the Director shall conduct the antidegradation review as part of the § 401 water quality certification process.
2. For a Director-issued § 404 permit. The Director shall conduct the antidegradation review of any discharge authorized under a general § 404 permit as a part of its determination whether to issue a general permit in accordance with state requirements for issuing a § 404 general pemit and with this section. The Director shall conduct the antidegradation review of an individual § 404 permit as part of the § 404 permit action in accordance with state requirements for issuing a § 404 permit and in accordance with this section.
E. Antidegradation review of an AZPDES stormwater permit. An individual stormwater permit for a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) meets antidegradation requirements if the permittee complies with the pemit, including developing a stormwater management plan containing controls that reduce the level of pollutants in stormwater discharges to the maximum extent practicable.
F. Antidegradation review of a general permit. The Director shall conduct the antidegradation review of a regulated discharge authorized by a general permit at the time the general permit is issued or renewed. A person seeking authorization to discharge under a general permit is not required to undergo an individual antidegradation review at the time the Notice of Intent is submitted unless the discharge may degrade existing water quality in an OAW or a water listed on the 303(d) List of impaired waters.

Ariz. Admin. Code § R18-11-107.01

New Section made by final rulemaking at 14 A.A.R. 4708, effective January 31, 2009 (Supp. 08-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 25 A.A.R. 2515, effective 9/10/2019.