Ariz. Admin. Code § 12-7-176

Current through Register Vol. 31, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section R12-7-176 - Permits for Injection Wells
A. The injection of any substance into any geologic formation is prohibited unless 1st authorized by the Commission after notice and hearing. The Commission shall give at least 15 days' notice before a hearing is held for drilling a new injection well or for converting an existing well into an injection well. A permit shall not be required for routine well operations pursuant to R12-7-122(C) whose physical effects are confined to the area near the well bore.
B. The application for a permit for an injection well as defined in R12-7-175 shall be prepared in accordance with R12-7-104, shall meet all the applicable requirements of this Chapter, and shall contain the following requirements, where applicable:
1. A plat showing the location of each proposed injection well and the location and status of all wells, including drilling wells and dry holes, within 1/2 mile of the proposed well. The plat shall include the lease boundary lines, the names of the surface and subsurface lessees and owners within 1/2 mile of the injection well or wells, and the name of each offset operator.
2. A geologic study, including:
a. A contour map drawn on a geologic marker at or near the top of each injection zone in the project area;
b. A thickness map of each injection zone in the project area;
c. A geologic cross-section drawn through the site of an injection well in the project area showing structural details, any wells that may be affected by the project, and the location of the base of any freshwater strata, defined as water having 10,000 ppm or less of total dissolved solids, or a statement that no fresh water exists; and
d. A representative electric log to a depth below the deepest producing zone identifying all geologic units including the injection and confining zones, freshwater aquifers, and oil, gas, or geothermal zones.
3. An engineering study, including:
a. A statement of the primary purpose of the project;
b. The characteristics of the injection and confining zones including porosity, permeability, thickness, areal extent, fracture gradient, original and present temperature and pressure, and residual oil, gas, and water saturations;
c. The reservoir fluid data for each injection zone including oil gravity and viscosity, water quality, and specific gravity of gas;
d. A description of each injection well's casing, or the proposed casing and cementing program, and the proposed method of testing the casing before use of the injection well. The casing shall be designed and tested in accordance with R12-7-181(C) with respect to the injection zone;
e. A diagram of the proposed wellhead;
f. A casing diagram, including cement plugs, and the actual or calculated cement fill behind the casing of all wells within the area affected by the project, including abandoned wells, showing that they will not cause damage to life, health, property, or natural resources;
g. The well stimulation program if stimulation is planned; and
h. The planned well-drilling and abandonment program to complete the project, including a flood-pattern map showing all injection, production, and abandoned wells, and unit boundaries.
4. An injection plan, including:
a. A diagram and plan of the injection facilities;
b. The maximum surface injection pressure expected during the life of the project and the estimated daily rate of fluid injection, by well. The operator shall provide calculations showing that the maximum injection pressure will not initiate fractures in the confining zone;
c. A description of the area affected by the volumetric method and by the pressure-buildup method and the radius affected during the life of the project;
d. The monitoring system or method to be used to ensure that no damage is occurring and that the injection fluid is confined to the permitted injection zone and to the area controlled by the operator;
e. The method of injection such as casing, tubing, tubing with packer, between strings;
f. The protective methods to be used on each injection line and well and a contingency plan for well failure or a shut-in period, including a plan for disposition of fluids not injected as a consequence of well failure;
g. The source and chemical analysis of the injection fluid, and chemical analysis of the water in the injection zone. If the water in the injection zone has 10,000 ppm or less of total dissolved solids, the applicant shall provide evidence of commercial oil or gas producibility of the zone by means of historical production in the field or by log information, core data, and values for the porosity and permeability of the zone; and
h. The location and depth of each water-source well that will be used in conjunction with the project.
5. Proof of notification to neighboring operators and surface owners within 1/2 mile of the proposed well.
6. Supplementary data as required in R12-7-180 for storage-well projects.
7. Any additional information that the Commission may determine is necessary to adequately clarify the information submitted pursuant to R12-7-176(B)(1) through (B)(6).
8. All maps, diagrams, and exhibits required in this subsection shall be clearly labeled as to scale and purpose and shall clearly identify wells, boundaries, zones, contacts, and other relevant data.
C. Permits may be issued for a period up to the operating life of the well with review once every 5 years. Permits may be modified or terminated during their term if the Commission determines that the operator is not in compliance with the requirements of this Chapter.

Ariz. Admin. Code § R12-7-176

Former Rule 701; Amended effective September 29, 1982. See also Section R12-7-141 (Supp. 82-5). Amended effective January 2, 1996 (Supp. 96-1).