8 Alaska Admin. Code § 86.105

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 8 AAC 86.105 - Grant agreements and memoranda of understanding
(a) A technical and vocational education program in AS 23.15.835(d) through the department shall enter into a grant agreement with the department, and those receiving funding directly from the state shall enter into a memorandum of understanding with the department each fiscal year. If an entity receiving funding directly already has a memorandum of understanding in place with the department that includes information required under 8 AAC 86.115, a new memorandum of understanding is not required. If any technical vocational education program fund recipient does not enter into a grant agreement or memorandum of understanding, then the penalty outlined in AS 23.15.835(h) may be applied.
(b) A grant agreement or memorandum of understanding as outlined in (a) of this section shall be executed not later than July 30 of the fiscal year.

8 AAC 86.105

Eff. 12/28/2022, Register 244, January 2023

Authority:AS 23.15.820

AS 23.15.835

AS 23.15.840