8 Alaska Admin. Code § 77.025

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 8 AAC 77.025 - Elevator and escalator inspection
(a) Except as specified in (b) of this section, an elevator will be inspected by the department on a biennial basis. However, the department may reinspect an elevator on a random basis between biennial inspections on the department's own initiative or on the complaint of a person to assure continued compliance with applicable safety standards or if the department has reason to believe the condition complained of poses a present danger to persons in or about the elevator.
(b) An escalator will be inspected by the department on an annual basis. However, the department may reinspect an escalator on a random basis between annual inspections based on the department's own initiative or on the complaint of a person to assure continued compliance with applicable safety standards or if the department has reason to believe the condition complained of poses a present danger to persons in or about the escalator. If reasonable advance notice of the inspection is given, an escalator owner must have qualified personnel available to open up the devices for inspection and to perform the required inspection testing. A routine maintenance visit may be performed during the inspection visit if the maintenance function does not interfere or prolong the state inspection. During an inspection all records reflecting the daily startup and shut down procedures and the applicable logs must be available for review, including the maintenance control program required on each device.
(c) An owner who intends to install or alter an elevator shall ensure that the elevator contractor that will install or alter the elevator submits a working layout of the equipment or apparatus to the department before equipment is installed so that the department may determine whether the installation will meet the minimum safety standards established by AS 18.60.800(a) and this chapter. Before the device is placed in service, the owner shall arrange for inspection by an authorized inspector of the department. The inspection is a special inspection and billed in one-hour minimum increments for work associated with the inspection and evaluation of inspection reports.
(d) An owner or operator shall report any entrapment or accident that results in the injury of a person and that involves an elevator or escalator, to the director in detail, within 48 hours from the time of the occurrence. If the deadline falls on a weekend or state holiday, the report must be made at the beginning of the next state working day. The report shall be in the form of a written narrative to the director.
(e) The owner of an elevator or escalator shall immediately, by telephone, report to the department's mechanical inspection section any accident involving an elevator or escalator that results in a fatality or an injury that requires a person to receive a doctor's care. If the section's office is closed, the owner shall notify the local police or local office of the Department of Public Safety, division of state troopers. Within 48 hours after the accident, the owner shall mail a written report of the accident to the department's mechanical inspection section. The scene of the accident must be secured and not disturbed to any greater extent than is necessary to prevent additional injuries and to remove the deceased or injured person. If, in order to secure the area, the device is removed from service, the department will conduct an immediate investigation. The device may not be repaired or operated until the investigation is completed.
(f) The owner of an elevator or escalator must establish a maintenance control program that conforms to Sections 8.6 and 8.11 of the current A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalatorsadopted by reference under 8 AAC 77.005, and that at a minimum includes
(1) maintenance records;
(2) qualifications of elevator maintenance personnel, employed by the owner or contractor personnel if maintenance for the device is performed by an authorized elevator contractor personnel;
(3) quarterly Fire Emergency Service Phase 1 testing, if an elevator;
(4) responsible evacuation personnel listing;
(5) wiring diagrams;
(6) oil usage log;
(7) security, including keys;
(8) code data plates;
(9) approval of persons authorized to perform periodic testing; and
(10) periodic test forms.
(g) The following items related to an elevator or escalator are required to be on the premises and subject to inspection, as follows:
(1) keys for elevator room access shall be kept on the premises and accessible during normal business hours, as follows:
(A) stored in an area not accessible to public, such as a lock box located outside the elevator machine room;
(B) access to the lock box shall be provided to an authorized elevator inspector by either the elevator maintenance contractor or the owner; a minimum of four keys that will provide access to the lock box are required; these keys may not be maintained in the elevator pit; other elevator keys shall be maintained in the elevator room;
(2) approved evacuation procedures and evacuation personnel list must be on the premises where the elevator is located and in the same area as required keys, these lists may not be maintained in the elevator pit;
(3) instructions must be posted in the elevator machine room (elevator controller) for locating the required maintenance control program records; the records shall be maintained for historical purposes in a written format and remain available for inspection even if maintenance contractors change, or are not available at the time of the inspection;
(4) contact information must be posted in elevator machine room (elevator controller) for the current owner's agent responsible for the elevator and identity of the current elevator maintenance contractor, if the device maintenance is under contract; posted code data plate with all applicable code years entered for installation and any alterations on the elevator controller or the elevator controller's mainline disconnect switch in the elevator machine room; posted master periodic test tag in the elevator machine room;
(5) current elevator wiring diagrams in the elevator machine room;
(6) posted record of oil usage in the machine room of unexposed hydraulic elevators;
(7) qualifications of persons performing the elevator or escalator maintenance and periodic tests; these are persons who have received formalized training, either through a formal apprenticeship school or on-the-job through their employers, in the construction, maintenance, repair, inspection, or testing of code covered equipment.
(h) The owner of an elevator or escalator shall maintain the written maintenance and repair records on-site and shall make the records available for review by an authorized elevator inspector during normal business hours. Maintenance, repair, inspection reports and testing records must remain with the owner and on-site, available for review during normal business hours. Historic records shall remain with the device regardless of maintenance contractor.
(i) The owner of an elevator or escalator shall maintain a legible and permanent record in the machine room or other approved location of any rescues, repairs, or services or existing department approved code variances or waivers or special operating conditions to the device. The record must show who performed the action, what action was taken, and the date of the action. In addition, the record must show each variance approved under 8 AAC 77.085.
(j) An acceptance inspection may not result in the issuance of a certificate of operation, unless the department has
(1) verified all inspection reports for the device and determined that the reports are complete to illustrate code compliance;
(2) received verification submitted by the building owner or elevator contractor to illustrate that any code violations identified in the inspection report have been remedied; if code violations have not been remedied, the department must receive an explanation of the identified hazards associated with the violations, the reasons why the violations have not been remedied, the extended date of compliance and which code violations are under contract to be corrected;
(3) received in writing any request for a delay or waiver of code violation correction or special operating conditions; and
(4) determined that the inspection report is complete and all deficiencies in the report have been corrected, are under contract to be corrected, or have been approved through a departmental waiver.
(k) The department may perform a reinspection of any new or altered elevator as soon as practicable after a certificate of operation is issued. A reinspection will be conducted without charge, unless substantial non-compliance with a safety code or special operating condition is found, in which case the inspection will be charged as a special inspection. The department inspector may cite and enforce any code violations discovered during reinspection.

8 AAC 77.025

Eff. 10/21/79, Register 72; am 10/21/92, Register 124; am 12/17/99, Register 152; am 9/27/2008, Register 187; am 2/23/2011, Register 197

The address and telephone number for reporting as required in 8 AAC 77.025 is Mechanical Inspection Section, Division of Labor Standards and Safety, Department of Labor and Workforce Development, 3301 Eagle Street, Suite 302, Anchorage, AK 99503; telephone (907) 269-4925.

Authority:AS 18.60.800