7 Alaska Admin. Code § 27.018

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 7 AAC 27.018 - Reporting of toxic or hazardous exposures
(a) A health care provider that attends an individual hospitalized as a result of an outbreak or unusual incidence of a disease or condition known or suspected to be related to exposure to an environmental contaminant shall report the disease or other condition to the department orally, electronically, or on a department-provided form not later than 24 hours after first discovering or suspecting the existence of the disease or other condition. A reportable condition may result from acute exposure to an environmental contaminant, including a spill, leak, or explosion that involves acid, solvents, pesticides, methamphetamine production chemicals, paint, heavy metals, methane, hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde, benzene, or other toxic or hazardous substances.
(b) Each report must give
(1) the time and location of the toxic or hazardous exposure;
(2) the toxic agent involved;
(3) the name, address, date of birth, sex, ethnicity, and race of the person diagnosed as having the reported disease or other condition; and
(4) the name and address of the health care provider reporting the disease or other condition.
(c) In addition to information required under (b) of this section, the department may require a health care provider to submit additional data elements if essential for the department's response.
(d) A public, private, military, hospital, or other laboratory performing heavy metal analyses in this state or on samples obtained in this state shall report, not later than four weeks after performing the test, the name, date of birth, sex, race, ethnicity, and community of residence of the person tested, the actual test result, and the name and address of the health care provider that ordered the test. For purposes of this subsection, heavy metal analyses include analyses for
(1) arsenic, total and inorganic;
(2) cadmium;
(3) cobalt; and
(4) mercury.
(e) In this section, "hospitalized" has the meaning given "hospitalization" in 7 AAC 27.017.

7 AAC 27.018

Eff. 12/29/2013, Register 208, January 2014

Authority:AS 18.05.040

AS 18.15.355

AS 18.15.362

AS 18.15.370