7 Alaska Admin. Code § 26.110

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 7 AAC 26.110 - Recertification
(a) To be recertified, an EMT-I, EMT-II, EMT-III, or AEMT, not more than one year after the date of expiration of that person's EMT certification, must
(1) apply for recertification in writing on a form provided by the department;
(2) provide evidence of a valid CPR credential; and
(3) provide evidence of
(A) current certification from the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) for a department-approved corresponding level; or
(B) successful completion of department-approved continuing medical education set out in the department's Guide for Emergency Medical Services Certification & Licensure, Appendix A: Personnel, May 2019, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 26.030(e)(3)(B), within two years before the date of application for recertification.
(i) department-approved continuing medical education set out in the department's Guide for Emergency Medical Services Certification & Licensure, Appendix A: Personnel, May 2019, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 26.030(e)(3)(B), within two years before the date of application for recertification; and
(ii) skills verification from a department-approved instructor that the person has, not more than one year before the date of expiration of the person's certification, successfully demonstrated competence in skill areas set out in the department's skill sheets for the EMT level for which recertification is sought.
(b) An EMT-II, EMT-III, or AEMT applying for recertification must also provide a written statement of sponsorship from a medical director who accepts the responsibilities set out in 7 AAC 26.640. unless the department places the certification in inactive status for the level of certification until the requirement is met. An EMT-II, EMT-III, or AEMT in an inactive status may function within an EMT-I scope of practice under 7 AAC 26.040(a)(2).
(c) To be recertified, an EMS instructor must, not more than one year before the date of expiration of the person's certification, apply for recertification, on a form provided by the department, and must provide evidence of
(1) at least one of the valid credentials under 7 AAC 26.030(e)(1);
(2) a valid CPR Instructor credential, unless the department grants a waiver based on evidence that a credentialed CPR instructor is available for each course taught; and
(3) successful completion of department-approved instructor continuing education set out in the department's Guide for Emergency Medical Services Certification & Licensure, Appendix A: Personnel, May 2019, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 26.030(e)(3)(B), within two years before the date of application for recertification.
(d) To be recertified, an EMS instructor coordinator must, not more than one year before the date of expiration of the person's certification, apply for recertification, on a form provided by the department, and must provide evidence of
(1) at least one of the valid credentials under 7 AAC 26.030(e)(1);
(2) a valid CPR Instructor credential, unless the department grants a waiver based on evidence that a credentialed CPR instructor is available for each course taught; and
(3) successful completion of department-approved instructor continuing education set out in the department's Guide for Emergency Medical Services Certification & Licensure, Appendix A: Personnel, May 2019, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 26.030(e)(3)(B), within two years before the date of application for recertification.
(e) If an EMS instructor coordinator fails to meet the certification criteria in this section, the department may grant the person an EMS instructor level certification for the shorter of the following periods:
(1) until all EMS instructor coordinator recertification criteria are documented; or
(2) for a period not to exceed two years beyond the original EMS instructor coordinator certification date of expiration.
(f) An EMT-I, EMT-II, EMT-III, or AEMT who did not timely apply for recertification under (a) of this section and whose certification has been expired for more than one year but less than three years must apply for recertification in writing, on a form provided by the department, and must
(1) provide evidence of a valid CPR credential; and
(2) provide evidence of
(A) current certification from the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) for a department-approved corresponding level; or
(B) successful completion of
(i) department-approved continuing medical education for the EMT level for which recertification is sought, as set out in the department's Guide for Emergency Medical Services Certification & Licensure, Appendix A: Personnel, May 2019, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 26.030(e)(3)(B);
(ii) an additional 24 hours of department-approved continuing medical education;
(iii) skills verification from a department-approved instructor that the person has, not more than one year before the date of application, successfully demonstrated competence in skill areas set out in the department's skill sheets for the EMT level for which recertification is sought; and.
(iv) if certification has been lapsed for more than two years, the appropriate cognitive and psychomotor examination administered by the department or the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) under 7 AAC 26.130.
(g) An EMT-I, EMT-II, EMT-III, or AEMT with a certification expiration date after December 31, 2014 whose training did not include the skills contained in the United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards, January 2009, adopted by reference, must take a department-approved refresher training program or curriculum transition program that includes those skills appropriate to the level of recertification before being recertified.
(h) An applicant for recertification may not have a history that includes one or more of the grounds for denial of recertification set out
(1) in 7 AAC 26.950(a); or
(2) in 7 AAC 26.950(b) and (c) unless the department's consideration of one or more of the factors in 7 AAC 26.950(f) (1) - (5) results in a finding that issuance of the certificate is appropriate.
(i) If the department determines that the curriculum originally used to train an applicant for recertification whose certificate has been lapsed for more than two years has changed substantially, the department may require the applicant to repeat the initial EMT-I, EMT-II, EMT-III, AEMT, EMS instructor, or EMS instructor coordinator course, as applicable, and apply as for initial certification.
(j) Repealed 1/1/2022.
(k) Repealed 1/1/2022
(l) Continuing medical education hours may be applied only to satisfy the applicable recertification requirements of this section for one certification period.

7 AAC 26.110

Eff. 12/31/81, Register 80; am 10/14/84, Register 92; am 10/23/92, Register 124; am 5/22/96, Register 138; am 6/23/2001, Register 158; am 8/16/2002, Register 163; am 12/26/2014, Register 212, January 2015; am 8/21/2019, Register 231, July 2019; am 1/1/2022, Register 241, April 2022

The United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards. January 2009, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 26.110, is available from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590 or on the Internet at https://www.ems.gov/pdf/education.html.

Authority:AS 18.08.080

AS 18.08.082

AS 18.08.084