7 Alaska Admin. Code § 26.050

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 7 AAC 26.050 - Approved EMS courses

As follows, a state-certified EMS instructor or EMS instructor coordinator who applies to the department for course approval must submit a previously approved or nationally recognized published curriculum at least 30 days before the first day of the course, or at least 60 days before the first day of the course if the submitted curriculum was developed by the EMS instructor coordinator, unless the department waives this requirement:

(1) a state-certified EMS instructor or EMS instructor coordinator who applies for an EMT-I, EMT-II, EMT-III, AEMT, or EMS bridge course must
(A) use a curriculum approved by the department that meets or exceed applicable objectives set out in the United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards, 2021, adopted by reference

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(B) agree to coordinate teaching the learning objectives of the course approved by the department, and use a subject-matter expert if available;
(C) agree to have appropriate training equipment available throughout the course;
(D) ensure that the class receives the minimum hours of instruction required for each EMS certification level, unless the department grants a waiver based on evidence of educational method;
(E) agree to arrange for the initial cognitive and psychomotor examination under 7 AAC 26.060 for each student who requires department certification;
(F) agree to assist the certifying officer in administering the cognitive and psychomotor certification examination, as set out in the department's Guide for Emergency Medical Services Certification & Licensure, Appendix A: Personnel, May 2019, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 26.030(e)(3)(B), unless the department waives this requirement upon the showing of a reasonable justification that the department determines does not threaten public health;
(G) agree to limit the course to students who have a valid CPR credential, or agree to increase the number of class hours to include CPR training within the EMS training course;
(H) agree to inform students that they must be eligible under 7 AAC 26.950 for EMS certification;
(I) agree to teach the approved EMS provider level set out in the department's Guide for Emergency Medical Services Certification & Licensure, Appendix A: Personnel, May 2019, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 26.030(e)(3)(B); and
(J) determine that the student has successfully completed the learning objectives of the course;
(2) a state-certified EMS instructor or EMS instructor coordinator who applies to teach an educational course must agree to
(A) teach the learning objectives of the department-approved course, including cognitive and skills assessment;
(B) coordinate teaching the entire course and use subject-matter experts as available;
(C) have appropriate training equipment available throughout the course; and
(D) determine that the student has successfully completed the learning objectives of the course;
(3) a state-certified EMS instructor coordinator who applies for an EMS instructor course to certify an individual as an EMS instructor must agree to
(A) use an instructor training program that the department determines meets or exceeds the objectives set out in the National Association of EMS Educators and the United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's National Guidelines for Educating EMS Instructors, 2002, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 26.030(e)(3)(A);
(B) teach the objectives of the state EMS instructor course set out in the department's Guide for Emergency Medical Services Certification & Licensure, Appendix A: Personnel, May 2019, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 26.030(e)(3)(B);
(C) have appropriate training equipment available throughout the course;
(D) determine that the individual meets one of the following prerequisites unless the EMS instructor coordinator includes in the course the method of instruction content described in (4) of this section
(i) evidence that the individual successfully completed a department-approved online method of instruction course;
(ii) evidence that the individual successfully completed a department-approved equivalent method of instruction course;
(E) limit student enrollment to students who provide evidence of a valid credential under 7 AAC 26.030(e)(1); and
(F) determine that the student has successfully completed the learning objectives of the course;
(4) an individual applying for method of instruction education course approval must use a curriculum that the department determines meets or exceeds objectives set out in the United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards, January 2009, adopted by reference in (1)(A) of this section;
(5) an individual who applies for approval for a refresher course must
(A) use a curriculum that includes learning objectives that the department determines meet or exceed the requirements for continuing medical education;
(B) agree to teach the approved EMS provider level set out in the department's Guide for Emergency Medical Services Certification & Licensure, Appendix A: Personnel, May 2019, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 26.030(e)(3)(B);
(C) agree to coordinate teaching the learning objectives of the department-approved course and use a subject-matter expert if available;
(D) ensure that the refresher course includes the required minimum number of hours of instruction set out in the department's Guide for Emergency Medical Services Certification & Licensure, Appendix A: Personnel, May 2019, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 26.030(e)(3)(B), unless the department waives this requirement based on evidence of equivalent educational methods;
(E) attend the entire refresher course unless the department waives this requirement; and
(F) verify that the refresher course includes skills assessment to determine if the student successfully completed the learning objectives required for the applicable EMS level;
(6) an individual applying for an EMS instructor refresher course approval must
(A) teach the course learning objectives approved by the department, including cognitive and skills assessment;
(B) agree to use an EMS instructor coordinator certified to teach the course as approved by the department and agree to use a subject-matter expert if available;
(C) ensure that the refresher course includes the required minimum number of hours of instruction set out in the department's Guide for Emergency Medical Services Certification & Licensure, Appendix A: Personnel, May 2019, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 26.030(e)(3)(B), unless the department waives this requirement based on equivalent educational method; and
(D) determine that a student successfully completed the learning objective of the course;
(7) the department may require an EMS provider or instructor to complete a department-approved update if a department-approved curriculum for that EMS level changes significantly;
(8) the department may require education in a topic listed in 7 AAC 26.040(a).

7 AAC 26.050

Eff. 12/31/81, Register 80; am 10/14/84, Register 92; am 10/23/92, Register 124; am 5/22/96, Register 138; am 8/16/2002, Register 163; am 8/21/2019, Register 231, July 2019; am 1/1/2022, Register 241, April 2022

The department's Guide for Emergency Medical Services Certification & Licensure, Appendix A: Personnel, available for a fee from the Section of Rural and Community Health Systems, Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Social Services, P.O. Box 110616, Juneau, Alaska 99811-0616; telephone: (907) 465-3140: facsimile number (907)465-4101; and may be viewed at that office. The publication is also posted by the department on the Internet at http://dhss.alaska.gov/dph/Emergency/Pages/ems/downloads/forms.aspx

The United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards, January 2021, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 26.050. is available from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590 or on the Internet at https://www.ems.gov/pdf/education/EMS-Education-for-the-Future-A-Systems-Approach/National EMS Education Standards.pdf.

Authority:AS 18.08.080

AS 18.08.082

AS 18.08.084