7 Alaska Admin. Code § 25.440

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 7 AAC 25.440 - Quality
(a) The quality standards established in 7 AAC 25.430 - 7 AAC 25.460 are minimum standards for breathing oxygen and are not intended to define the limits of contaminants of those gases which may be intended for specialized application and for which a higher degree of purity may be specified by the purchaser. The minimum standards are contained in the following table:

Quality Criteria

Limits are in parts per million except where specified otherwise.

Oxygen O2 Min. % (v/v) 99.0 Carbon Monoxide 10 Carbon Dioxide 300 Condensed Hydrocarbons

(as oil mist)

[in mg/m3 at NTP] 5O dor None

(b) The standard for oxygen contained in this section is consistent with the requirement for medicinal oxygen described in the United States Pharmacopeia, Nineteenth Revision, 1975 Edition amended (1977-USP Third Supplement).
(c) Representative samples of compressed oxygen may be drawn from any compressor or holding tank at any reasonable time by an authorized agent of the department for analysis.

7 AAC 25.440

Eff. 3/1/78, Register 65; am 9/1/82, Register 83

Oxygen that is produced by the air-liquefaction process is exempt from the requirements of the tests for carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Containers must be labeled to indicate whether or not it has been produced by the air-liquefaction process.

Authority:AS 18.05.040