Current through December 21, 2024
Section 7 AAC 18.550 - Survey instruments(a) For physical surveys required under this chapter, a registrant shall maintain calibrated and operable ionizing radiation survey instruments that have a range from two milliroentgens per hour to one roentgen per hour. An industrial radiographic operation may not be conducted unless calibrated and operable ionizing radiation survey instrumentation is available and used at each site where radiographic exposures are made.(b) A registrant shall ensure that each survey instrument is calibrated after any service or repair and at regular intervals not to exceed six months. A record shall be maintained of the latest date of calibration.(c) Records of surveys and calibrations must be retained for at least five years, or since the most recent inspection by the department, whichever is less.Eff. 4/9/2009, Register 190Authority:AS 18.60.475
AS 18.60.485