Current through December 21, 2024
Section 6 AAC 94.340 - Forms of temporary housing assistance(a) In determining the form of temporary housing assistance to be provided under (b) and (c) of this section, the division will provide the form that meets an applicant's minimum housing requirements. In determining an applicant's minimum housing requirements, items that the division will consider include timely availability, cost effectiveness, plans for permanent housing plans, and special needs of the applicant. The division will not provide an eligible applicant more than one form of temporary housing except if, in the determination of the division, provision of an additional form is in the best interest of the state.(b) The forms of temporary housing assistance disbursable to an eligible applicant include(1) transient accommodations; immediately following a disaster declaration or evacuation, applicants shall stay with family or friends without state provided assistance, or make use of shelters to the fullest extent possible for immediate short-term housing needs; however, the division will provide transient accommodation assistance or immediate short-term housing if the division determines that individual circumstances warrant that assistance; in making the determination that transient accommodations are warranted, the division will consider shelter availability, assistance from other means available to the applicant, and the applicant's special needs; transient accommodation assistance is limited to (A) a maximum period of 30 days unless the division determines an extension is necessary because longer term temporary housing is not available to the applicant; and(B) payment of rent including utilities; for purposes of this subparagraph, "utilities" does not include telephone costs and any utilities that are separately metered;(2) rental payments by the division to a landlord on behalf of an eligible applicant;(3) the provision of housing to the applicant in a temporary housing unit acquired by purchase, lease, or other means by the division, another state agency, or a state political subdivision;(4) repairs and replacements; assistance for repairs and replacements is subject to the following limitations and requirements:(A) if the division determines that the cost of repairs or replacements to repair or restore, to a livable condition, the essential living area of the owner-occupied primary residence of an eligible applicant is less than providing the applicant another form of temporary housing assistance under this section, the division will provide assistance for repairs and replacements to the essential living area, or areas affecting the essential living area, of the residence;(B) in calculating the cost of the repairs or replacements eligible for assistance under (A) of this paragraph, the division will subtract from the cost(i) repair or replacement costs covered by insurance or other government programs; and(ii) the amount, if any, of a grant to the applicant under 6 AAC 94.200 - 6 AAC 94.280 that remains after subtracting the cost of the applicant's eligible expenses, other than home repairs, under 6 AAC 94.240;(C) as a condition for receiving assistance under this paragraph, an eligible applicant must agree to conform repairs and replacements made under this paragraph to applicable local and state building codes; the division will authorize an upgrade of existing damaged utilities if required by these codes; items must be repaired when feasible and replaced only when necessary to insure the health and safety of the occupant; repairs and replacements must be disaster related; replacement items must be of average quality, size, and capacity, taking into consideration the needs of the occupant;(D) if the division provides repair or replacement assistance under this paragraph, the division will provide the assistance in one or more of the following forms, as determined by the division:(i) a cash payment to the applicant, in an amount determined by the division, for replacements or repairs;(ii) the provision of repair materials to the applicant;(iii) the provision to the applicant of the services of a contractor under a division-awarded repair contract.(c) The division will utilize existing rental resources and home repairs to the fullest extent practicable before providing state-acquired temporary housing units.(d) An applicant shall accept the division's first offer of temporary housing assistance, unless the applicant demonstrates to the division's satisfaction that the first offer does not meet the applicant's minimum housing requirements. The division will not provide temporary housing assistance to an applicant who fails to accept the first offer or make the demonstration described in this subsection.Eff. 2/11/2000, Register 153; am 7/1/2000, Register 154Authority:AS 26.23.020
AS 26.23.040
AS 26.23.050
AS 26.23.100
AS 26.23.220
AS 26.23.300