5 Alaska Admin. Code § 35.305

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 5 AAC 35.305 - Description of Registration Area E districts
(a) Northeastern District: all waters north of a line at 60" 30' N. lat., from a point on Hawkins Island at 146° 19.50' W. long., west to 147° 40' W. long., and east of 147° 40' W. long., and south of 60° 48.50' N. lat., and including waters south of a line from the southeastern point of Bligh Island at 60° 48.80' N. lat.. 146° 43.30' W. long., to Bidarka Point at 60° 49.14' N. lat., 146° 38.45' W. long., and waters west of Salmo Point at 145° 45.70' W. long., north of Hawkins Island.
(b) Central District; all waters north of a line from the west side of Montague Island to the east side of Latouche Island at 60° N. lat., and east of a line from Point Grace at the northernmost tip of Latouche Island at 60° 04.80' N lat., 147° 51' W long., to Point Helen at the southernmost tip of Knight Island at 60° 09.30' N. lat., 147° 46' W. long., and including waters on the east side of Knight Island, and south of a line at 60° 30' N. lat., from Knight Island at 147° 42' W. long., to Hawkins Island at 146° 19.50' W. long., and west of a line from that point on Hawkins Island to a point on Hinchinbrook Island at 60° 28.80' N. lat., and 146° 23' W. long., and north of a line at 60° 20.60' N. lat., from Bear Cape on Hinchinbrook Island to Middle Point on Montague Island.
(c) Southwestern District: all waters east of a line from Cape Fairfield at 148° 50.25' W. long., south to the latitude of Cape Douglas at 58° 51.10' N. lat., then west to 149° W. long., then south along 149° W. long., and west of a line drawn south from Cape Cleare at 147° 54' W. long., and those waters southwest of a line running from Point Countess at 60° 12.90' N. lat., 148° 05.30' W. long., to Bainbridge Point at 60° 12' N. lat., 148° 03' W. long., to Evans Point at 60° 07.90' N. lat., 147° 54.80' W. long., and to Point Grace at 60° 04.80' N. lat., 147° 51' W long., and including those waters south of the Central District at 60° N. lat.
(d) Southeastern District: all waters west of the longitude of Cape Suckling at 144° W. long., south of the Northeastern and Central districts, and east of the Southwestern District.
(e) Northwestern District: all waters north and west of the Northeastern, Central, and Southwestern Districts.

5 AAC 35.305

In effect before 1988; am 7/23/88, Register 107; am 9/29/96, Register 139; am 3/11/2001, Register 157; am 6/27/2014, Register 210, July 2014; am 3/27/2022, Register 241, April 2022

Authority:AS 16.05.251