Article 2 - General Provisions
- Section 5 AAC 34.050 - Lawful gear for king crab
- Section 5 AAC 34.051 - King crab gear marking requirements
- Section 5 AAC 34.052 - King crab gear storage requirements
- Section 5 AAC 34.053 - Operation of other pot gear
- Section 5 AAC 34.055 - Permits for processing vessels
- Section 5 AAC 34.057 - Postseason king crab pot recovery permit
- Section 5 AAC 34.060 - Size limit for king crab
- Section 5 AAC 34.065 - Female and undersize king crab
- Section 5 AAC 34.070 - Registration and inspection documents (Repealed)
- Section 5 AAC 34.075 - Reporting of king crab catches lost or not purchased
- Section 5 AAC 34.080 - Harvest strategy
- Section 5 AAC 34.081 - Definition of "rigid" as applied to tunnel eye openings