5 Alaska Admin. Code § 27.833

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 5 AAC 27.833 - Herring spawn on kelp harvest specifications and operations for Bristol Bay Area
(a) Herring spawn may not be taken on transplanted or imported aquatic plants or any other substrate, except for kelp in its natural occurring state. Kelp plants used to take herring spawn may not be suspended from lines, frames, or other man-made devices.
(b) Only a holder of a valid CFEC Togiak herring spawn on kelp permit may participate in the Togiak District herring spawn on kelp fishery. Participation includes harvesting herring spawn on kelp by hand or hand-held rake, placing the herring spawn on kelp in containers at the point of harvest, and transporting the containers of herring spawn on kelp to a registered buyer or tender.
(c) All herring spawn on kelp harvested in the Togiak District herring spawn on kelp fishery must be in containers at the close of the fishing period.
(d) A person who does not hold a CFEC Togiak District herring spawn on kelp permit may, in that fishery, only assist in the transportation of containers of herring spawn on kelp, and only after the close of the fishing period.
(e) For the purpose of this section, "container" means a boat, bucket, sack, or other object used to hold spawn on kelp for the purpose of transporting it to a registered buyer or tender.

5 AAC 27.833

Eff. 5/11/85, Register 94; am 5/2/92, Register 122

Authority:AS 16.05.251