Section 5 AAC 01.720 - Lawful gear and gear specificationsFish may be taken by gear listed in 5 AAC 01.010(a) except as may be restricted under the terms of a subsistence fishing permit and except as follows:
(1) in District 13, Redoubt Bay, gillnet or seine gear may not be used to take salmon in any waters of the bay closed to commercial salmon fishing;(2) a set gillnet may not be used to take salmon except in the mainstream and side channels, but not the tributaries, of the Chilkat River from the terminus to one mile upstream of Wells Bridge; (A) the mainstream and side channels, but not the tributaries, of the Chilkat River from the terminus to one mile upstream of Wells Bridge; and(B) District 5 in Shipley Bay, not more than 100 yards from the terminus of Shipley Creek;(3) halibut may be taken only by a single line which is operated by hand with not more than two hooks attached to it; no person may operate more than one line;(5) in the Northern Southeast Inside Subdistrict and Southern Southeast Inside Subdistrict, a sablefish permit holder's pot gear must have at least two circular escape rings with a minimum inside diameter of three and three-fourths inches installed on opposing vertical or sloping walls and must have individual tunnel eye openings with perimeters of 36 inches or less.(6) fishing gear may not obstruct more than one-half the width of any salmon stream, side channel, creek, river, bay, or waterway.In effect before 1982; am 4/14/82, Register 82; am 6/25/89, Register 110; readopt 5/15/93, Register 126; am 7/18/2003, Register 167; am 7/1/2015, Register 214, July 2015; am 9/25/2022, Register 243, October 2022; am 10/16/2022, Register 244, January 2023Authority:AS 16.05.251
AS 16.05.258