4 Alaska Admin. Code § 06.895

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 4 AAC 06.895 - Report card to the public
(a) Each public school and district in the state shall comply with the reporting requirements of AS 14.03.120 and the requirements of this section. Each school shall prepare a school report, to be entitled School Report Card to the Public, following requirements provided by the department. Each district shall prepare a district report, to be entitled School District Report Card to the Public, following requirements provided by the department.
(b) A school shall disseminate its School Report Card to the Public as required under AS 14.03.120(d). A district shall disseminate its School District Report Card to the Public and the School Report Card to the Public for each school in the district by providing required data to the department, posting the report cards on the Internet if the district maintains a website, and any other means of distribution the district chooses, not later than 30 days after the department has made all necessary data available to districts. Each district shall ensure that parents of students in each school in the district are notified of the location and availability of the School Report card and District Report Card to the Public. The report required under this section shall be written in a uniform and understandable manner, and, to the extent practicable, be in a language that the parent can understand.
(c) The School Report Card to the Public must contain the number of students enrolled in the school, the Title I status of the school, and must provide the following information on accreditation:
(1) whether the school is accredited;
(2) if the school is accredited, the
(A) date of accreditation;
(B) name of the accrediting organization; and
(C) level of accreditation awarded by the accrediting organization for the year of the report.
(d) The School Report Card to the Public must include the following information for all students enrolled in the school, and the School District Report Card to the Public must include the following information for all students enrolled in the district:
(1) For purposes of accountability under 4 AAC 06.812, 4 AAC 06.815, 4 AAC 06.821, and 4 AAC 06.826, for all students and disaggregated by each subgroup of students described in 4 AAC 06.830,
(A) the number and percentage of full -academic-year students tested who achieved the proficient or advanced achievement level described in 4 AAC 06.739 or in 4 AAC 06.775(b) on the English language arts and mathematics assessments;
(B) if the participation rate as described in 4 AAC 06.820 is less than 95 percent, the number and percentage of 95 percent of the students enrolled on the first day of testing that achieved the proficient or advanced achievement level described in 4 AAC 06.739 or in 4 AAC 06.775(b) on the English language arts and mathematics assessments; and
(C) the number and percentage of students tested and not tested based on the number of full academic year students enrolled in tested grades on the first day of testing.
(2) For purposes of reporting for all students and disaggregated by each subgroup of students described in 4 AAC 06.830, gender, migrant status, homeless status, status as a child in foster care, and status as a student with a parent who is a member of the Armed Forces on active duty,
(A) the number and percentage of students tested who achieved each achievement level described in 4 AAC 06.739 on English language arts, mathematics, and science;
(B) if the participation rate as described in 4 AAC 06.820 is less than 95 percent, the number and percentage of 95 percent of the students enrolled on the first day of testing that achieved each achievement level described in 4 AAC 06.739 on English language arts, mathematics, and science;
(C) the number and percentage of students tested and not tested based on the number of students enrolled in tested grades on the first day of testing; and
(D) for a
(i) district report card, a comparison between the number and percentage of students at each achievement level for the district with the number and percentage of students at each achievement level for the state as a whole; and
(ii) school report card, a comparison between the number and percentage of students at each achievement level for the school with the number and percentage of students at each achievement level for the district and the state as a whole;
(3) for purposes of accountability under 4 AAC 06.812 and 4 AAC 06.822, for all students and disaggregated by each of the subgroups of students as defined in 4 AAC 06.830, the number and percentage of students who made adequate growth in English language arts and mathematics as described in 4 AAC 06.822; and for purposes of reporting, for subgroups of homeless status, status as a child in foster care, and status as a student with a parent who is a member of the Armed Forces on active duty, the number and percentage of students who made adequate growth in English language arts and mathematics as described in 4 AAC 06.822;
(4) for purposes of accountability under 4 AAC 06.812, 4 AAC 06.815, and 4 AAC 06.825, for all students and disaggregated by each of the subgroups of students defined in 4 AAC 06.830, the four-year and five-year graduation rate as defined in 4 AAC 06.825; and for purposes of reporting for subgroups of homeless status and status as a child in foster care, the four-year and five-year graduation rate as defined in 4 AAC 06.825;
(5) for purposes of accountability under 4 AAC 06.812, 4 AAC 06.815, and 4 AAC 06.823 the number and percentage of English learners in grades 1 - 12 who met the target for making progress in learning English; and for purposes of reporting, the number of English learners in grades K-12 achieving English language proficiency and meeting the exit criteria as defined in 4 AAC 34.055(d);
(6) for purposes of accountability, for all students and disaggregated by each of the subgroups of students, as defined in 4 AAC 06.830, the number and percentage of students identified as not chronically absent as described in 4 AAC 06.826(a) who were enrolled for at least half the school term, and for purposes or reporting, the number and percentage of students identified as chronically absent as described in 4 AAC 06.826(a) who were enrolled at least ten days in the school term;
(7) for purposes of accountability, for all students and disaggregated by each of the subgroups of students as defined in 4 AAC 06.830, the number and percentage of full -academic- year students tested in grade three who achieved the proficient or advanced achievement level described in 4 AAC 06.739 on the English language assessment; if the participation rate as described in 4 AAC 06.820 is less than 95 percent, the number and percentage of 95 percent of the full -academic- year -grade- three students enrolled on the first day of testing who achieved the proficient or advanced achievement level described in 4 AAC 06.739 on the English language arts assessment; and the number and percentage of grade three students tested and not tested based on the number of full-academic- year students enrolled in tested grades on the first day of testing;
(8) for purposes of accountability under 4 AAC 06.815, 4 AAC 06.821, 4 AAC 06.823, 4 AAC 06.825 and for purposes of reporting, for all students and disaggregated by each of the subgroups of students as defined in 4 AAC 06.830, a comparison between the performance under sections (d)(1)(A) and (d)(1)(B) for the school or district and the school's or district's and state's long-term goals and measures of interim progress for that year as determined under 4 AAC 06.815, including a determination of whether the school or district met the target as defined in 4 AAC 06.815(a)(3) for the all students group and each subgroup;
(9) the number and percentages of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who take an alternate assessment under 4 AAC 06.775(b), by grade and subject;
(10) for the School District Report Card to the Public, the most recent available academic achievement results in grades four and eight on the state's national assessments of educational progress reading and mathematics assessments under 4 AAC 06.710(3) compared to the national results, including
(A) the percentage of students at each achievement level reported in the aggregate; and
(B) the participation rates for students with disabilities and for student who are English Learners.
(11) information submitted by the department and each district in the state, in accordance with the Office for Civil Rights data collection conducted pursuant to section 203(c)(1) of the 20 U.S.C. 3413(c)(1) Department of Education Organization on
(A) rates of in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, expulsions, school-related arrests, referrals to law enforcement, incidences of violence, including bullying and harassment; and
(B) the number and percentage of students enrolled in
(i) preschool programs; and
(ii) accelerated coursework to earn postsecondary credit while still in high school, such as Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses and examinations, and dual or concurrent enrollment programs.
(12) the professional qualifications of teachers in the district and each school, including information (that shall be presented in the aggregate and disaggregated by high-poverty compared to low-poverty schools) on the number and percentage of
(A) inexperienced teachers, principals, and other school leaders;
(B) teachers teaching with emergency or provisional credentials;
(C) out of field teachers; and
(D) ineffective teachers.
(13) the per-pupil expenditures of federal, state, and local funds, including actual personnel expenditures and actual non-personnel expenditures of federal, state, and local funds, disaggregated by source of funds, for each district and each school in the district for the preceding fiscal year.
(14) where available, for each high school in the district, and beginning with the report card prepared under this paragraph for the 2017 - 2018 school year, the cohort rate in the aggregate, and disaggregated for each subgroup of students defined in 4 AAC 06.830 at which students who graduate from the high school enroll for the first academic year that begins after the students' graduation:
(A) in programs of public postsecondary education in the state; and
(B) if data are available and to the extent practicable, in programs of private postsecondary education in the state or programs of postsecondary education outside the state.
(e) Each School and District Report Card to the Public must contain
(1) a clear and concise description of the state's accountability system as described in 4 AAC 06.812 - 826; and
(2) the methods and timeline for designating schools for comprehensive support and improvement or targeted support and improvement and for exiting the schools from those designations under 4 AAC 06.840. Each district report card must contain the number, percentage, and names of all public schools in the district designated for comprehensive support and improvement or targeted support and improvement under 4 AAC 06.840. The School Report Card to the Public must include information for the school, and the School District Report Card to the Public must include information for all schools in the district, regarding school designations and other indicators, as follows:
(A) the Alaska school performance system score, if applicable, under 4 AAC 06.812 and the designation of each school in the district under 4 AAC 06.840 and for districts, the number and percentage of schools that have been designated for comprehensive support and improvement or targeted support and improvement;
(B) whether a school in the district has been designated persistently dangerous under 4 AAC 06.200;
(C) the attendance rate for all students and for each subgroup under 4 A AC 06.830;
(D) the retention rate for students in grades K-8;
(E) the dropout rate for students in grades seven through twelve; and
(F) the rate of enrollment change due to transfers.
(f) A report under this section may not include the information otherwise required by law if the number of students in a category is so small that the results would reveal personally identifiable information about an individual student. Results of the state assessments may not be reported if fewer than five students are tested.
(g) In providing the description of student, parent, community, and business involvement in student learning, as required by AS 14.03.120(d)(4), each school shall state
(1) the number and percentage of students responding to the teacher evaluation survey;
(2) the number and percentage of parents responding to the teacher evaluation survey;
(3) the number of school-business or interagency partnerships the school has entered into under a written agreement;
(4) the average number of volunteer-hours a week spent in the school by parents and other members of the community;
(5) a narrative description of the results of parental, community, or business involvement, as identified by the school; and
(6) any other information the school wishes to provide on this subject.
(h) Each school shall compute the information required by AS 14.03.120(d)(5) and this section as follows:
(1) the attendance rate is a fraction, expressed as a percent, the numerator of which is the aggregate daily attendance during the regular school year, and the denominator of which is the aggregate daily membership for the school year; the aggregate daily attendance is the sum of the days present for all students when school is in session during the school year; the aggregate daily membership is the sum of the days present and absent for all students when school is in session during the school year; in-service days are not included in the computation; for the purposes of this paragraph, a student is considered present if physically present at the school or engaged in a school activity even if the activity is away from the school;
(2) for kindergarten through grade eight, the retention rate is computed by dividing the number of students being retained on the last day of school by the membership on the last day of the school year;
(3) for grades 7-12, the dropout rate is a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of students who have dropped out in the current school year, and the denominator of which is the number of students enrolled in grades 7 - 12 on October 1 of the current school year;
(i) In providing the information required by AS 14.03.120(d)(6), each school shall provide the information on student transfers into and out of the school itself. Each school shall compute the information required by AS 14.03.120(d)(6) as follows:
(1) the annual percent of enrollment change is computed by taking the difference between the October 1 enrollment from the current school year and the October 1 enrollment from the previous school year and dividing by the October 1 enrollment from the previous school year, the result being expressed as a percentage;
(2) the annual percent of enrollment change due to student transfers is computed by subtracting from one the quotient derived by dividing the number of students enrolled at least 170 days or the number of student days in the approved school calendar, whichever is less, in the school by the total number of students enrolled at least one day in the school.
(j) In preparing the comment summaries required by AS 14.03.120(e) to be reported to the department, each school shall state the number of persons commenting, indicate whether comments are from students, parents, or other members of the community, and succinctly set out the gist of the comments, both negative and positive ones.
(k) In this section,
(1) "current school year" means the school year for which the report card is made;
(2) "district" has the meaning given in AS 14.17.990;
(3) "dropout" means an individual who was enrolled in the district at some time during the school year whose enrollment terminated; "dropout" does not include an individual who
(A) graduated from high school or completed a state- or district-approved education program, as evidenced by receipt of a secondary school diploma from school authorities;
(B) transferred to another public school district, private school, or state- or district-approved education program that terminates in a regular diploma;
(C) is temporarily absent due to suspension;
(D) is temporarily absent due to an illness or a medical condition; or
(E) died.
(4) "performance score" means the score calculated under 4 AAC 06.812;
(5) "previous school year" means the school year immediately before the school year for which the report is made;
(6) "school year" means the 12-month period beginning July 1 of each year and ending June 30 of the following year;
(7) "students from families on active military duty" means students whose parents or guardians are on active duty in the armed forces of the United States, the United States Coast Guard, the Alaska National Guard, the Alaska Naval Militia, or the Alaska State Defense Force.
(l) For the purposes of AS 14.03.120(d) and (e), AS 14.03.123, and this section,
(1) "program" means an identifiable set of educational services that a district delivers to students who are not enrolled at a school facility to receive those educational services;
(2) "school" means an educational institution operated by a district and administered as an independent unit within the district, regardless of whether the school is housed in a facility separate from other units that does not include an educational program within a district, as designated by the district; and includes a correspondence school, whether designated a program or a school.

4 AAC 06.895

Eff. 11/23/2003, Register 168; am 8/19/2009, Register 191; am 2/4/2011, Register 197; am 6/30/2013, Register 206; am 10/16/2013, Register 208; am 11/13/2014, Register 212, January 2015; am 12/26/2014, Register 212, January 2015; am 3/6/2015, Register 213, April 2015; am 10/9/2015, Register 216; am 2/5/2017, Register 221, April 2017; am 10/20/2018,Register 228, January 2019; am 12/25/2020,Register 236, January 2021

Authority:AS 14.03.120

AS 14.03.123

AS 14.07.020

AS 14.07.060

AS 14.50.080