Current through December 21, 2024
Section 3 AAC 107.270 - Definitions(a)In 3 AAC 107.200 - 3 AAC 107.270 and in AS 42.45.110-42.45.170, unless the context requires otherwise,(1) "commission" means the Regulatory Commission of Alaska;(2) "customers" means (A) an eligible electric utility's residential customer of energy for a single-family or multi-family dwelling, or residential housing unit;(B) an eligible electric utility's commercial customer of energy for a business, school, or building other than the customers identified in (A), (C), and (D) of this paragraph;(C) a community facility as defined in AS 42.45.150;(D) state or federal customers;(4) "state or federal customer" means a state or federal office or facility other than public schools;(5) "authority" means the Alaska Energy Authority created in AS 44.83.020;(6) "residential customer" means a customer whose residence is the(A) location receiving electrical service, regardless of whether the customer engages in commercial activity at the customer's residence; and(B) place of residence in this state as determined under AS 15.05.020 for the purpose of voting.(b) As used in AS 42.45.150(1), "community building" means a community facility that(1) is not operated for profit;(2) is operated for the benefit of the general public; (3) complies with 3 AAC 107.260(1);(4) makes timely payments to the utility for the electric power consumed; and(5) complies with 3 AAC 107.260(3).Eff. 2/16/96, Register 137; am 3/25/2005, Register 173; am 7/25/2014, Register 211, October 2014Authority:AS 42.45.100
AS 42.45.110
AS 42.45.120
AS 42.45.130
AS 42.45.140
AS 42.45.150
AS 42.45.160
AS 42.45.170
AS 44.83.080