Chapter 16 - Corporations, Partnerships, and Other Business Organizations
- Section 3 AAC 16.010 - Fee for reservation, registration, or renewal of a reserved or registered business name under AS 10.06, AS 10.15, AS 10.20, AS 10.25, AS 10.35, AS 10.40, AS 10.45, AS 10.50, AS 32.05, AS 32.06, or AS 32.11
- Section 3 AAC 16.020 - Fee for registration or renewal of registration of a business name under AS 10.35 (Repealed)
- Section 3 AAC 16.030 - Fees and charges for business corporations under AS 10.06
- Section 3 AAC 16.040 - Fees and charges for cooperative corporations under AS 10.15
- Section 3 AAC 16.050 - Fees and charges for nonprofit corporations under AS 10.20
- Section 3 AAC 16.055 - Fees and charges for limited liability partnership under AS 32.06
- Section 3 AAC 16.060 - Fees for electric and telephone cooperatives under AS 10.25
- Section 3 AAC 16.065 - Fees and charges for limited liability companies under AS 10.50
- Section 3 AAC 16.070 - Fees for religious corporations under AS 10.40
- Section 3 AAC 16.075 - Fees and charges for limited partnerships under AS 32.11
- Section 3 AAC 16.080 - Fees for copies
- Section 3 AAC 16.090 - Fee for accepting service of process
- Section 3 AAC 16.100 - Fee for filing any other instrument
- Section 3 AAC 16.105 - Fee for expedited filings and copies
- Section 3 AAC 16.110 - Reprocessing fee (Repealed)
- Section 3 AAC 16.115 - Fees and class codes for trademark filings under AS 45.50
- Section 3 AAC 16.120 - Determining distinguishable names
- Section 3 AAC 16.130 - Electronic signatures
- Section 3 AAC 16.140 - Fees and charges for filing under AS 10.55