Section 3 AAC 08.365 - Definitions relating to solicitation of proxiesFor purposes of 3 AAC 08.305 - 3 AAC 08.365, the following definitions apply:
(1) "annual report" means a summary by the corporation of its business activities, results of operations, and financial condition for the last fiscal year, including consolidated financial statements, which meet the requirements of 43 U.S.C. 1606(o), effective December 18, 1971, and 43 U.S.C. 1625, effective January 2, 1976;(2) "board" means the board of directors of the issuer of shares for which a proxy is solicited;(3) "contest" means an issue in which the board expects one or more solicitations to be made which will be subject to 3 AAC 08.355;(4) "corporation" means the issuer of shares with respect to which a proxy is solicited;(5) "entity" means an individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, trust, association, firm, corporation, or other organization, whether or not operated for profit;(6) "executive officer" means the president, secretary, treasurer, a vice president in charge of a principal business function, such as sales, administration, or finance, or any other person who performs similar policy-making functions for the corporation;(7) "family" means an individual's spouse, parents, children, or siblings by blood or adoption;(8) "financial transaction" means (A) the buying, selling, or leasing of real or personal property or of an interest in real or personal property, including, but not limited to, an option, right of first refusal, or joint venture interest;(B) the buying or selling of services;(C) the loaning or borrowing of money or a preliminary commitment to that transaction; or(D) any other transaction which is substantially similar in nature to those listed in this paragraph, excluding distributions mandated by 43 U.S.C. 1606(j), effective December 18, 1971;(9) "last fiscal year" means the fiscal year of the corporation most recently completed before the date of the meeting for which proxies are to be solicited;(10) "nominee" means a person who has consented to being named in a proxy statement and who has agreed to serve if elected;(11) "participant" (A) means the board and the corporation;(B) means a nominee for whose election as director proxies are solicited;(C) means a committee or group which solicits proxies or a member of the committee or group;(D) means a person who finances, directly or indirectly, the solicitation of proxies, except a person who contributes not more than $500 and who is not otherwise a participant;(E) means a person who solicits proxies;(F) does not include (i) a person or organization retained or employed by a participant to solicit shareholders whose activities are limited to the performance of his duties in the course of his employment;(ii) a person who merely transmits proxy soliciting material or performs other ministerial or clerical duties;(iii) a person employed by a participant in the capacity of attorney, accountant, or as an advertising, public relations, or financial adviser, whose activities are limited to the performance of his duties in course of his employment; or(iv) a person regularly employed as an officer or employee of a participant who is not otherwise a participant;(12) "proxy" means a written authorization which may take the form of a consent, revocation of authority, or failure to act or dissent, signed by a shareholder or his attorney-in-fact and giving another person power to vote with respect to the shares of the shareholder;(13) "proxyholder" means a person to whom a proxy or power of substitution is given;(14) "proxy statement" means a letter, publication, press release, advertisement, radio/television script or tape, or other communication of any type which is made available to shareholders under circumstances reasonably calculated to result in the procurement, withholding, or revocation of a proxy;(15) "shareholder" means one who is the holder of record of a share in the corporation;(16) "solicitation" means(A) a request to execute or not to execute, or to revoke a proxy; or(B) the distributing of a proxy or other communication to shareholders under circumstances reasonably calculated to result in the procurement, withholding, or revocation of a proxy;(17) "electronic forum" (A) means a forum that is created on and accessible by means of the Internet, and that allows communication among users;(B) includes (i) blogs or other websites that allow for the posting of reader comments; and(ii) websites for social networking, websites for microblogging, and other forms of electronic communication through which users create communities on the Internet to share information, ideas, personal messages, videos, and similar content.(18) "affiliate" has the meaning given in AS 10.06.990;(19) "control" has the meaning given in AS 10.06.990;(20) "minor offense" has the meaning given in Rule 2 of the Alaska Rules of Minor Offense Procedure;(21) "residence" means residence for purpose of voting, as determined under AS 15.05.020;(22) "subsidiary" has the meaning given in AS 10.06.990.Eff. 1/4/81, Register 77; am 11/27/88, Register 108; am 1/4/2013, Register 205; am 11 /3/2013, Register 208; am 3/20/2016, Register 217, April 2016Authority:AS 45.55.138
AS 45.55.139
AS 45.55.160
AS 45.55.950