23 Alaska Admin. Code § 20.220

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 23 AAC 20.220 - Notice of representation in an ongoing criminal case or juvenile adjudication; entry of appearance
(a) Whenever the victims' advocate elects to represent a crime victim in any ongoing criminal case or juvenile adjudication as provided for in AS 24.65 and this title, the victims' advocate shall file an entry of appearance and written notice to the parties and the court. The written notice filed must assert that a crime victim has submitted a written complaint with the victims' advocate asserting a denial or prospective denial of the crime victims' rights under the constitution and the laws of the state. The written notice filed may set out the particulars of the complaint and request for relief. The entry of appearance and notice to the parties and the court required under this subsection may be made at any time.
(b) In the discretion of the victims' advocate, the entry of appearance and notice to the parties and the court required under (a) of this section may be made orally on the record.


23 AAC 20.220

Eff. 6/27/2004, Register 170

Authority:AS 24.65.090

AS 24.65.100

AS 24.65.110

AS 24.65.120