22 Alaska Admin. Code § 20.235

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 22 AAC 20.235 - Release to an approved plan
(a) All discretionary parole releases are granted subject to an approved parole plan. Release is also subject to verification of the parole plan by the department. Within one week after a decision of the board to grant parole, the institutional parole officer shall send the preparole report and parole plan to the field parole officer for investigation. If the parole date is at least three months away, this material shall be sent to the field parole officer at least 30 days before the parole release date. The field parole officer shall notify the institutional parole officer and the board of the results of the investigation within two weeks after receipt of the preparole report and parole plan.
(b) Except in unusual circumstances or for special medical parole releases, parole will be granted only to full-time employment, to full-time vocational or on-the-job training, to a full-time residential treatment program, to a community residential center, to full-time education, to a verified detainer, or to a combination of these plans.
(c) If the applicant is being paroled to a detainer, the prisoner may be released only to the appropriate officials from the jurisdiction exercising the detainer.
(d) If parole is to an interstate plan, the department will escort the prisoner to the airport for boarding of the flight to the receiving state. The parolee will not be permitted to remain in Alaska.

22 AAC 20.235

Eff. 1/30/91, Register 117; am 3/29/2003, Register 165

Authority:AS 33.16.010

AS 33.16.060

AS 33.16.085

AS 33.16.130

AS 33.16.150