22 Alaska Admin. Code § 20.200

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 22 AAC 20.200 - Standard conditions of parole
(a) The following are the standard conditions of parole established by the board which all parolees must follow:
1. Report in person immediately upon release to the parole officer and receive further reporting instructions. Reside at the address approved upon release.
2. Make diligent effort to maintain steady employment and support legal dependents. Do not voluntarily change employment without receiving permission from the parole officer to do so. If discharged or if employment is terminated (temporarily or permanently) for any reason, notify the parole officer the next working day. If involved in an education, counseling, training, or treatment program, continue active involvement in the program unless you receive permission of the parole officer to quit. If released or removed from the program for any reason, notify the parole officer the next working day.
3. Report to the parole officer at least monthly in the manner prescribed by the parole officer. Fill out any supervision report forms truthfully and completely. Answer any questions asked by the parole officer. Follow any other reporting instructions established by the parole officer.
4. Obey all state, federal, and local laws, court orders, and ordinances.
5. Obtain permission from the parole officer before changing residence. Remaining away from the approved residence for 24 hours or more constitutes a change in residence for the purpose of this condition. Remaining away from the approved residence overnight constitutes a change in residence for the purpose of this condition.
6. Obtain the prior written permission of the parole officer, in the form of an interstate travel agreement, before leaving the State of Alaska. Abide by the conditions of the travel agreement.
7. Do not own, possess, have in the parolee's custody, handle, purchase, or transport any firearm, ammunition, or explosive. Do not carry any deadly weapon on parolee's person except a pocket knife with a three-inch or shorter blade. Carrying any other weapon such as a hunting knife, axe, club, etc., is a violation of parole. Contact the Alaska Board of Parole if parolee has any questions about the use of firearms, ammunition, or weapons.
8. Do not use, possess, handle, purchase, give, or administer any narcotic, hallucinogenic (including marijuana/THC), stimulant, depressant, amphetamine, barbiturate, prescription drug not specifically prescribed by a licensed medical person, or other controlled substance.
9. Report to the parole officer, no later than the next working day, any contact with a law enforcement officer.
10. Do not enter into any agreement or other arrangement with any law enforcement agency which will place the parolee in the position of violating any law or parole condition. Under this paragraph and Department of Corrections policy, a parolee may not work as an informant.
11. Do not telephone, correspond with, or visit any person confined in a prison, penitentiary, correctional institution or camp, jail, halfway house, work release center, community residential center, restitution center, juvenile correctional center, or similar facility without permission from the parole officer. Contact with a felon during the course of employment or during corrections-related treatment is not prohibited if approved by the parole officer. Any other knowing contact with a felon is prohibited unless approved by the parole officer. Notify the parole officer the next working day if you have any contact with a felon.
12. Get permission from the parole officer before leaving the area of the state to which the parolee's case is assigned. The parole officer will advise the parolee in writing of the limits of the area in which the parolee may travel.
13. Obey any special instructions, rules, or orders given by the board or by the parole officer. Follow any special conditions imposed by the board or the parole officer.
14. Waive extradition from any state or territory of the United States and do not contest efforts to return the parolee to Alaska.
15. Provide a blood sample, an oral sample, or both upon request of the state, if the parolee is being released after a conviction of an offense requiring the state to collect the samples for the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) identification system under AS 44.41.035.
(b) The board may establish different conditions as needed for special circumstances, including the intensive supervision and surveillance program, electronic monitoring, special release supervision programs, special medical parole, and a change in the parolee's medical condition.
(c) The board will, in its discretion, modify the conditions of parole at any time for good cause under 22 AAC 20.215.

22 AAC 20.200

Eff. 1/30/91, Register 117; am 3/29/2003, Register 165

Authority:AS 33.16.010

AS 33.16.060

AS 33.16.150