20 Alaska Admin. Code § 05.230

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 20 AAC 05.230 - Administrative areas
(a) For the purposes of issuing interim-use and entry permits for all waters subject to the jurisdiction of the State of Alaska, the administrative areas described in the schedule below are established. A letter code from the following schedule will be used to designate the specific administrative area for which an interim-use permit or entry permit is issued.
(1) Salmon administrative areas.
(A) Salmon administrative areas are as follows:

Code Letter

Name and Description

A - Z

Except for Administrative Areas B, P, and Y, all salmon administrative areas are the same as those salmon net gear registration areas established in 5 AAC 39.120(d).


Statewide Area - all waters subject to the jurisdiction of the state.


Upper Yukon Area - all waters included in Districts 4, 5, and 6 of the Yukon Area, described in 5 AAC 05.200(d) - (f).


Lower Yukon Area - all waters included in Districts 1, 2, and 3 of the Yukon Area, described in 5 AAC 05.200(a) - (c).

(B) Where regulations of the Board of Fisheries allow,
(i) salmon set gillnet entry permits issued for Administrative Area E (Prince William Sound) are valid in all waters of and adjacent to the Pacific Ocean between the longitude of Cape Fairfield and the longitude of Icy Cape; and
(ii)salmon set gillnet and salmon drift gillnet entry permits issued for Area T (Bristol Bay) are valid in Area T and in the areas and at the times specified in 5 AAC 09.200(a)(1) - (3).
(2) King crab administrative areas.

Code Letter

Name and Description

A - T

Except for Administrative Areas X and Z, all king crab administrative areas are the same as those king crab registration areas established in 5 AAC 34.005.

O (A - F)

Aleutian Islands Area - all waters of the CDQ crab fishery authorized under 5 AAC 39.690 within Registration Area O as described in 5 AAC 34.600.


Aleutian Islands Area - all waters of the Adak community crab allocation fishery authorized under 5 AAC 39.690 within Registration Area O as described in 5 AAC 34.600.

Q (A - F)

Bering Sea Area - all waters of the CDQ crab fishery authorized under 5 AAC 39.690 within Registration Area Q as described in 5 AAC 34.900, excluding the Norton Sound Section as defined in 5 AAC 34.905(c)(1).

T (A - F)

Bristol Bay Area - all waters of the CDQ crab fishery authorized under 5 AAC 39.690 within Registration Area T as described in 5 AAC 34.800.


Kotzebue Area - all waters of the Kotzebue Sound Section described in 5 AAC 34.905(c)(3).


Norton Sound Area - all waters of the Norton Sound Section as described in 5 AAC 34.905(c)(1). Norton Sound Area - all waters of the Norton Sound Section as described in 5 AAC 34.905(c)(1).

Z (A - F)

Norton Sound Area - all waters of the CDQ crab fishery authorized under 5 AAC 39.690 within the Norton Sound Section of Registration Area Q as described in 5 AAC 34.905(c)(1).

(3) Herring administrative areas.

Code Letter

Name and Description


Southeastern Alaska Area - the statistical area described in 5 AAC 27.100.


Yakutat Area - the statistical area described in 5 AAC 27.200.


Prince William Sound Area - the statistical area described in 5 AAC 27.300.


Cook Inlet Area - the statistical area described in 5 AAC 27.400.


Kodiak Area - the statistical area described in 5 AAC 27.500.


Chignik Area - the statistical area described in 5 AAC 27.550.


Alaska Peninsula-Aleutian Islands Area - the statistical area described in 5 AAC 27.600.


Nelson Island Area - the district described in 5 AAC 27.875(c).


Security Cove Area - the district described in 5 AAC 27.875(a).


Bristol Bay Area - the statistical area described in 5 AAC 27.800.


Nunivak Island Area - the district described in 5 AAC 27.875(d).


Cape Avinof Area - the district described in 5 AAC 27.875(e).


Goodnews Bay Area - the districts described in 5 AAC 27.875(a) and (b).


Kotzebue Area - the districts described in 5 AAC 27.905(c) and (d).


Cape Romanzof Area - the district described in 5 AAC 27.905(a).


Norton Sound Area - the district described in 5 AAC 27.905(b).

(4) Repealed 1/2/81.
(5) Tanner crab administrative areas.

Code Letter

Name and Description

A - H

Tanner Crab Administrative Areas A - H are the same as those Tanner crab registration areas established in 5 AAC 35.005.


Kodiak Area - all waters of the Kodiak District as described in 5 AAC 35.505(a).


Chignik Area - all waters of the Chignik District as described in 5 AAC 35.505(f) and waters of the Semidi Island Overlap Section of the Kodiak District as described in 5 AAC 35.505(a)(5).


Alaska Peninsula Area - all waters of the South Peninsula District as described in 5 AAC 35.505(b).


Dutch Harbor Area - all waters of the Eastern Aleutians District as described in 5 AAC 35.505(c).


Bering Sea Area - all waters of the Bering Sea District as described in 5 AAC 35.505(e).

Q (A - F)

Bering Sea Area - all waters of the CDQ crab fishery authorized under 5 AAC 39.690 within the Bering Sea District of Registration Area J as described in 5 AAC 35.505(e).


Adak-Western Aleutians Area - all waters of the Western Aleutians District as described in 5 AAC 35.505(d).

(6) Dungeness crab administrative areas.

Code Letter

Name and Description


Southeastern Alaska Area - the statistical area comprised of the waters specified in 5 AAC 32.100.


Yakutat Area - the statistical area comprised of the waters specified in 5 AAC 32.155.


Prince William Sound Area - the statistical area comprised of the waters specified in 5 AAC 32.200.


Cook Inlet Area - the statistical area comprised of the waters specified in 5 AAC 32.300.


Westward Area - the statistical area comprised of the waters specified in 5 AAC 32.400, excluding the Alaska Peninsula District specified in 5 AAC 32.405(b) and the Chignik District specified in 5 AAC 32.405(e).


Chignik Area - comprised of the waters of the Chignik District as specified in 5 AAC 32.405(e)


Alaska Peninsula Area - comprised of the waters of the Alaska Peninsula District as specified in 5 AAC 32.405(b).

(7) Shrimp administrative areas.

Code Letter

Name and Description


Southeastern Alaska Area - the statistical area comprised of the waters described in 5 AAC 31.100.


Yakutat Area - the statistical area comprised of the waters described in 5 AAC 31.150.


Prince William Sound Area - the statistical area comprised of the waters described in 5 AAC 31.200.


Cook Inlet Area - the statistical area comprised of the waters described in 5 AAC 31.300 and 5 AAC 31.400.


Westward Area - the statistical area comprised of the waters described in 5 AAC 31.500.

(8) Sablefish administrative areas.

Code Letter

Name and Description


Northern Southeast Inside Area - all waters of the Northern Southeast Inside (NSEI) Subdistrict as described in 5 AAC 28.105(a)(2).


Statewide Area - all waters subject to the jurisdiction of the state, excluding those waters described as A, C, and E in this paragraph.


Southern Southeast Inside Area - all waters of the Southern Southeast Inside (SSEI) Subdistrict as described in 5 AAC 28.105(a)(1).


Prince William Sound Area - all waters of the Prince William Sound Area as described in 5 AAC 28.205(a).

(9) Herring spawn-on-kelp pound administrative areas.

Code Letter

Name and Description


Northern Southeast Area - Districts 9 - 16, as described in 5 AAC 33.200.


Southern Southeast Area - Districts 1 - 8 and the Dixon Entrance District as described in 5 AAC 33.200.


Prince William Sound Area - the statistical area described in 5 AAC 27.300.

(10) Nonspecified administrative area.

Code Letter

Name and Description


Statewide Area - for all fishery resources not specified in this section, permits will be issued for all waters subject to the jurisdiction of the state.

(11) Hair crab administrative areas.

Code Letter

Name and Description


Statewide Area - all waters subject to the jurisdiction of the state, excluding those waters described in Q in this paragraph.


Bering Sea Area - all waters of the Bering Sea District as described in 5 AAC 35.505(e).

(12) Sea urchin, sea cucumber, geoduck, and abalone administrative areas.

Code Letter

Name and Description


Southeastern Alaska Area - the statistical area comprised of the waters described in 5 AAC 38.100.


Statewide Area - all waters subject to the jurisdiction of the state, excluding those waters described in A and K in this paragraph.


Kodiak Area - the statistical area comprised of the waters described in 5 AAC 35.505(a).

(13) Scallop administrative areas.

Code Letter

Name and Description


Federal Waters - all waters of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ).


State Waters - all internal waters of the state and the territorial sea..

(14) Miscellaneous saltwater finfish administrative areas.

Code Letter

Name and Description


Statewide Area - all waters subject to the jurisdiction of the state.


Gulf of Alaska Area - all waters of Registration Areas A - M as established in 5 AAC 28.005 and described in 5 AAC 28.100, 5 AAC 28.200, 5 AAC 28.300, 5 AAC 28.400, 5 AAC 28.500, and 5 AAC 28.550..

(15) Demersal shelf rockfish administrative areas.

Code Letter

Name and Description


Eastern Gulf of Alaska Area - all waters of Registration Area A as established in 5 AAC 28.100 and described in 5 AAC 28.105.

(b) Each administrative area listed in (a)(1) of this section shall include all freshwaters of Alaska draining into the ocean between the points on the coastline which designate the boundaries of the administrative area, unless otherwise provided in the description of the administrative area in (a)(1) of this section.
(c) In the king crab administrative areas described in (a)(2) of this section, and in the Tanner crab administrative areas described in (a)(5) of this section, if a letter code from the schedule set out in (a)(2) or (a)(5) of this section designating an administrative area is immediately followed by a second letter,
(1) the second letter in the code indicates the CDQ group or community allocation group harvesting the crab allocation; and
(2) the permit card issued by the commission for a CDQ or community allocation fishery in an administrative area having a second letter in its code is only valid for harvest of the CDQ or community allocation king crab or Tanner crab allocation as authorized by the CDQ or community allocation group holding the king crab or Tanner crab allocation for that administrative area.

20 AAC 05.230

Eff. 12/18/74, Register 52; am 5/12/75, Register 54; am 4/9/76, Register 58; am 2/25/77, Register 61; am 1/21/78, Register 65; am 3/2/80, Register 73; am 1/2/81, Register 77; am 1/29/82, Register 81; am 10/30/82, Register 84; am 12/30/82, Register 84; am 2/29/84, Register 89; am 10/28/84, Register 92; am 11/25/84, Register 92; am 12/29/84, Register 92; am 4/13/85, Register 94; am 8/24/85, Register 95; am 9/26/85, Register 95; am 12/22/85, Register 96; am 11/22/87, Register 104; am 12/20/87, Register 104; am 8/20/89, Register 111; am 1/17/91, Register 117; am 1/2/92, Register 121; am 2/11/95, Register 133; am 5/4/95, Register 134; am 12/14/95, Register 136; am 12/4/96, Register 140; am 1/21/98, Register 145; am 5/16/2002, Register 162; am 9/21/2003, Register 167; am 5/6/2004, Register 170; am 12/1/2004, Register 172; am 11/6/2005, Register 176; am 12/21/2005, Register 176; am 11/23/2008, Register 188; am 11/20/2009, Register 192; am 12/31/2010, Register 196; am 6/1/2013, Register 206; am 12/25/2013, Register 208, January 2014; am 9/18/2022, Register 243, October 2022

Authority:AS 16.43.100

AS 16.43.110

AS 16.43.200