2 Alaska Admin. Code § 50.290

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 2 AAC 50.290 - Groups; draft groups; controlled groups; ballot groups
(a) If a group, including a political party, and an initiative committee, raises, so licits, collects, contributes, disburses, or incurs indebtedness of $500 or more in money or anything of value in the aggregate during a calendar year, or directs, coordinates, or controls that activity, that group shall first register with the commission as provided in AS 15.13.050, and shall file reports as provided in AS 15.13.040(b) and (c) and 2 AAC 50.321. An ongoing group must register each year. To register, a group must disclose, in the format as prescribed by the commission,
(1) the group's name, address, and purpose;
(2) the name and address of a chair and a treasurer; the same person may serve as both chair and treasurer;
(3) any election in which the group intends to be active during the year;
(4) the type of group;
(5) the name and location of the group's campaign depository if one is required under 2 AAC 50.298; and
(6) the treasurer's certification that the information contained in the registration statement is true, complete, and correct.
(b) A draft group must register and file reports as required in (a) of this section. A draft group
(1) may make expenditures to
(A) solicit contributions to defray its own administrative costs; and
(B) attempt to draft individuals to become candidates, including the expenditure of money to
(i) extol the qualifications of an individual the group seeks to draft; and
(ii) inform the public of the group's position on issues and the qualifications it seeks in potential candidates;
(2) may not
(A) engage in any political activity other than an activity described in this subsection and (d) of this section;
(B) accept any contribution in excess of $500 from any individual or $1,000 from any group;
(C) make an expenditure, other than for personal travel expenses, opinion surveys, or polls, that might benefit an individual successfully drafted to become a candidate;
(D) except as provided in (c) of this section, make monetary or nonmonetary contributions to, or expend funds on behalf of, any individual who has publicly announced an intent to seek a state or municipal office, or who has filed a declaration of candidacy or nominating petition, or has become a candidate by any other means.
(c) A draft group that expends more than one-third of its funds in an effort to draft one individual or, in the case of gubernatorial and lieutenant gubernatorial candidates, a team of individuals to campaign for public office, is a controlled group. If the individual or team subject to the draft formally declares for public office, any contribution to the controlled group is a contribution to the candidate or team for the purpose of determining the maximum allowable contribution under AS 15.13.070. A controlled group may contribute up to the maximum allowed by law to the candidate or team of candidates.
(d) For a group organized for the principal purpose of filing an initiative proposal application under AS 15.45.020, or that has filed an initiative proposal application under AS 15.45.020, the obligation to file required reports begins on the date the initiative proposal application is filed with the lieutenant governor.
(e) A registered group shall supplement its report if any of the information required to be reported in (b) of this section changes. In assessing a civil penalty for a late or incomplete report, the commission may consider a registered group's failure to notify the commission of any material change in the information required to be reported in (b) of this section.

2 AAC 50.290

Eff. 1/1/2001, Register 156; am 12/22/2011, Register 200; am 1/16/2015, Register 213, April 2015

Authority:AS 15.13.010

AS 15.13.030

AS 15.13.040

AS 15.13.050

AS 15.13.070

AS 15.13.074

AS 15.13.076

AS 15.13.100

AS 15.13.135

AS 15.13.140

AS 15.13.400