Article 8 - Pay
- Section 2 AAC 07.315 - Beginning salary
- Section 2 AAC 07.316 - Salary for deputy heads of a principal department
- Section 2 AAC 07.320 - Exceptions for original appointments
- Section 2 AAC 07.325 - Exception for former employee
- Section 2 AAC 07.330 - Promoted employee
- Section 2 AAC 07.331 - Exceptions for initial appointment of an employee to a new job class
- Section 2 AAC 07.333 - Acting in a higher range
- Section 2 AAC 07.335 - Salary range changes
- Section 2 AAC 07.340 - Laterally moved employee
- Section 2 AAC 07.345 - Demoted employees' salaries
- Section 2 AAC 07.347 - Salary of downward moved employee, other than demotion
- Section 2 AAC 07.349 - Exception for initial appointment subject to personnel rules
- Section 2 AAC 07.350 - Step differentials excluded
- Section 2 AAC 07.355 - Effective date of appointments
- Section 2 AAC 07.360 - Merit anniversary date
- Section 2 AAC 07.365 - Merit increases
- Section 2 AAC 07.368 - Pay increments
- Section 2 AAC 07.370 - Withholding a merit increase (Repealed)
- Section 2 AAC 07.375 - Withdrawing a salary step
- Section 2 AAC 07.380 - Salary as total remuneration
- Section 2 AAC 07.385 - Pay rates
- Section 2 AAC 07.390 - Overtime compensation
- Section 2 AAC 07.392 - Overpayment