18 Alaska Admin. Code § 83.350

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 18 AAC 83.350 - Information requirements for a POTW with combined sewer systems and overflows

A POTW applicant with a combined sewer system must provide the following information on the combined sewer system and outfalls:

(1) a system map indicating the location of
(A) all combined sewer overflow discharge points;
(B) any sensitive use area potentially affected by combined sewer overflows including beaches, drinking water supplies, shellfish beds, sensitive aquatic ecosystems;
(C) outstanding national resource waters potentially affected by combined sewer overflows; and
(D) waters supporting threatened and endangered species potentially affected by combined sewer overflows;
(2) a system diagram of the combined sewer collection system that includes the locations of
(A) major sewer trunk lines, both combined and separate sanitary;
(B) points where separate sanitary sewers feed into the combined sewer system;
(C) in-line and off-line storage structures;
(D) flow-regulating devices; and
(E) pump stations;
(3) information on each outfall for each combined sewer overflow discharge point covered by the permit application, including
(A) the outfall number;
(B) the borough and city or town in which the outfall is located;
(C) the latitude and longitude, to the nearest second;
(D) the distance from shore and depth below surface;
(E) a statement whether the applicant monitored any of the following in the past year for a combined sewer overflow:
(i) rainfall;
(ii) overflow volume;
(iii) overflow pollutant concentrations;
(iv) receiving water quality;
(v) overflow frequency; and
(F) the number of storm events monitored in the past year;
(4) information regarding the number of combined sewer overflows from each outfall in the past year and, if available,
(A) the average duration per event;
(B) the average volume for each event; and
(C) the minimum rainfall that caused a combined sewer overflow event in the last year;
(5) information about receiving waters, including
(A) the name of each receiving water;
(B) the name of each watershed, river, or stream system and the United States Soil Conservation Service or Natural Resource Conservation Service watershed code, if known; and
(C) the name of each state management or river basin and the United States Geological Survey hydrologic catalog unit code, if known; and
(6) a description of any known water quality impact caused by the combined sewer overflow operations, including permanent or intermittent beach closings, permanent or intermittent shellfish bed closings, fish kills, fish advisories, other recreational loss, or the exceedance of any applicable state water quality standard, on the receiving water.

18 AAC 83.350

Eff. 7/29/2006, Register 179

Authority:AS 44.46.020

AS 46.03.010

AS 46.03.020

AS 46.03.050

AS 46.03.100

AS 46.03.110