Article 3 - Standards, Monitoring, Variances, and Exemptions
- Section 18 AAC 80.300 - Maximum contaminant levels (MCLs)
- Section 18 AAC 80.302 - Maximum residual disinfectant levels (MRDL)
- Section 18 AAC 80.303 - Contaminants with a treatment technique requirement or action level requirement
- Section 18 AAC 80.305 - MCL compliance
- Section 18 AAC 80.310 - Routine sampling and analysis
- Section 18 AAC 80.315 - Inorganic chemical sampling requirements
- Section 18 AAC 80.320 - Sampling requirements for synthetic organic chemicals
- Section 18 AAC 80.325 - Volatile organic chemical sampling requirements
- Section 18 AAC 80.330 - Inorganic and organic chemicals: additional analyses after MCL exceedance
- Section 18 AAC 80.335 - Radioactive contaminants
- Section 18 AAC 80.340 - Examination of water: owner or operator requirements
- Section 18 AAC 80.345 - Special monitoring requirements (Repealed)
- Section 18 AAC 80.350 - Variance for sample holding time for coliform bacteria samples taken in certain remote sites
- Section 18 AAC 80.355 - Reporting requirements
- Section 18 AAC 80.360 - Use of noncentralized treatment devices
- Section 18 AAC 80.365 - Bottled water, point-of-use treatment devices, and point-of-entry treatment devices
- Section 18 AAC 80.370 - Variances
- Section 18 AAC 80.371 - Small system variances
- Section 18 AAC 80.375 - Exemptions