18 Alaska Admin. Code § 60.820

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 18 AAC 60.820 - Groundwater monitoring and corrective action
(a) Except for the facilities listed in (b) of this section, all facilities that require a permit under this chapter must conduct groundwater monitoring in accordance with 18 AAC 60.820 - 18 AAC 60.860. Any facility at which groundwater monitoring is required must use a groundwater monitoring system that meets the requirements of 18 AAC 60.825.
(b) Unless determined otherwise under (c) of this section, groundwater monitoring is not required at the following facilities:
(1) an asbestos monofill;
(2) an inactive reserve pit subject to 18 AAC 60.440;
(3) a solid waste storage or treatment facility;
(4) any one-time-use landfill authorized by the department under 18 AAC 60.200(d);
(5) a freezeback landfill under 18 AAC 60.228;
(6) a disposal facility operating under a general permit that does not require groundwater monitoring;
(7) a Class III MSWLF;
(8) a Class II MSWLF, sewage solids monofill, wood waste monofill, or inert waste monofill located in an area that receives 25 inches or less in total precipitation each year; or
(9) a facility operating under an authorization under 18 AAC 60.200(c), (d), or (e).
(c) The department will require groundwater monitoring at a facility listed in (b) of this section if
(1) the owner or operator of the facility knows or should know that the facility is contaminating the uppermost aquifer beneath the facility;
(2) the department finds that groundwater monitoring and corrective action are necessary to protect the uppermost aquifer beneath the facility;
(3) the department has informed the owner or operator of the facility of credible evidence that the facility is contaminating the uppermost aquifer beneath the facility; or
(4) the facility is located within a drinking water protection area delineated under 18 AAC 80.015 for an active public water system source and the department determines that the facility has the potential to impact the quality of drinking water from that source.
(d) The department will suspend groundwater monitoring under 18 AAC 60.820 - 18 AAC 60.860 at a facility if the owner or operator demonstrates that there is no potential for migration of a constituent from that facility to the uppermost aquifer underlying the facility during the active life of the facility and the applicable post closure care period. The demonstration must be certified by a qualified groundwater scientist approved by the department, and be based upon
(1) site-specific, field-collected measurements, and sampling and analyses of physical, chemical, and biological processes affecting fate and transport of constituents; and
(2) constituent fate and transport predictions that anticipate the maximum likely constituent migration and that consider effects on public health and the environment.
(e) Unless suspended under (d) of this section, once established at a facility, groundwater sampling and analysis must be conducted as specified in 18 AAC 60.830 throughout the active life and post-closure care period of that facility.

18 AAC 60.820

Eff. 1/28/96, Register 137; am 10/29/98, Register 148; am 9/7/2002, Register 163; am 2/25/2022, Register 241, April 2022

Authority:AS 44.46.020

AS 46.03.010

AS 46.03.020

AS 46.03.100

AS 46.03.110

AS 46.03.810