V oxygenate x d oxygenate x WW oxygen = _________ (V gas x d gas) + (V oxygenate x d oxygenate)
where:W= weight fraction (for percent, multiply by 100) oxygenate= oxygenate in the blend V= volume fraction d= specific gravity gas= gasoline
W oxygen = UNHANDLEDCHAR (V oxygen x d oxygenate x W oxygen/oxygenate) _________ (V gas x d gas) + UNHANDLEDCHAR (V oxygenate x d oxygenate)
where:W= weight fraction (for percent, multiply by 100) oxygenate= oxygenate in the blend V= volume fraction d= specific gravity gas= gasoline
Oxygen Molecular
Weight Contribution Specific Gravity
at 60° Fahrenheit Methanol 0.49930.796 Ethanol 0.34730.794 Propanols 0.26620.789 Butanols 0.21580.810 Pentanols 0.18150.817 Methyl
Ether (MTBE) 0.18150.744 Hexanols 0.15660.823 Ethyl Tertiary-Butyl
Ether (ETBE) 0.15690.755 Tertiary Amyl Methyl
Ether (TAME)0.15660.770
18 AAC 53.030
The sampling and testing procedures referred to in this section may be reviewed at the department's Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juneau offices. ASTM D 4815-94a may be ordered from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428 (610-832-9500).
Authority:AS 44.46.020
AS 46.03.010
AS 46.03.020
AS 46.14.020
AS 46.14.030
AS 46.14.510