18 Alaska Admin. Code § 50.712
Representatives of the department, the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, metropoli tan planning organizations, and local and regional air quality and transporlation agencies recognized by the state shall undertake an interagency consultation process with each other and with the local or regional offi ces of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) and Federal Transit Administration (FT A) on the development of the state implementation plan, transportation plans, u-ansportation improvement programs, and associated con formity determinations in accordance with the responsibilities and procedures of 18 AAC 50.700 - 18 AAC 50.750 and the State Air Quality Control Plan, Volume II, Section III.I.3.
18 AAC 50.712
Authority:AS 46.03.020
AS 46.14.030