18 AAC 36.165
The subject matter addressed in 18 AAC 36.165 was formerly addressed in 18 AAC 36.065. The history for 18 AAC 36.165 does not include the history of the earlier section.
APHIS VS Form 9-3, Report of Sales of Hatching Eggs, Chicks, and Poults, referred to in 18 AAC 36. 165(b), is available for download at the following Internet address: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_health/vet_accreditation/nvap_moduIes/N PIP/NPIP/Assets/YS%20Form%209-3.pdf .
Authority:AS 03.05.011
AS 03.45.010
AS 03.45.020
AS 03.45.030