18 Alaska Admin. Code § 36.145

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 18 AAC 36.145 - Swine
(a) In addition to meeting the requirements of 18 AAC 36.010 - 18 AAC 36.015, a person who intends to import swine into the state shall ensure that the health certificate or certificate of veterinary inspection includes certification that each swine
(1) originates from a state or country that has been designated by the USDA as free of brucellosis and is qualified by the USDA as pseuclorabies stage IV or V, or if not from a state or country described in this paragraph, has tested negative for brucellosis and pseudorabies not earlier than 30 days before importation;
(2) will be reinspected not earlier than I 0 days before shipment by a licensed and accredited veterinarian in the state or country or origin; and
(3) is identified with official animal identification.
(b) A person may not import a swine into the state if that swine
(1) originates from a state in which there is a quarantine for swine disease imposed by the USDA or a state animal health official;
(2) originates from a country in which there is a quarantine for swine disease imposed by the USDA;
(3) is vaccinated for pseudorabies;
(4) has been fed raw garbage at any time; or
(5) is feral.
(c) The state veterinarian may, if the state veterinarian determines that testing serves the in terests of animal or public health, require the owner of an imported swine to
(1) retest the imported swine for brucellosis or pseudorabies not earlier than 45 days and not later than 120 days after its arrival in the state; and
(2) if the swine is selected for retesting, keep the swine isolated from other resident livestock until retests arc confirmed negative or the state veterinarian approves release of the swine.

18 AAC 36.145

Eff. 3/24/2017, Register 221, April 2017
The subject matter addressed in 18 AAC 36.145 was formerly addressee! in 18 AAC 36.055. The history for 18 AAC 36.145 does not include the history of the earlier section.

Authority:AS 03.05.011

AS 03.45.010

AS 03.45.020

AS 03.45.030