17 Alaska Admin. Code § 90.935

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 17 AAC 90.935 - Term of registration
(a) A weighing and measuring device registration expires on June 30 of each year. An application for renewal of registration and the registration fee established in 17 AAC 90.920 must be received by the division by July 1 of each calendar year or the next working day if July 1 does not fall on a working day.
(b) A registration renewal application and fee received by the division after July 15 is considered past due. For an initial registration, the application and fee are considered past due if it is not received by the division on or before the date the device is first placed in service. An application for initial registration or renewal of registration that is past due under this subsection must include the past due fee, for each device, and the registration fee established in 17 AAC 90.920.

17 AAC 90.935

Eff. 1/18/2002, Register 161

Authority:AS 45.75.040

AS 45.75.050

AS 45.75.070

AS 45.75.080

AS 45.75.380