17 Alaska Admin. Code § 42.384

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 17 AAC 42.384 - Innovative contracting
(a) The airport manager may submit to the commissioner a written request to use an innovative contracting procedure for award of a lease, permit, or concession. The request must include a description of the proposed procedure and an explanation of how that procedure will achieve the best service or revenue or why the procedure is advantageous to the state due to new or unique airport needs or new technologies.
(b) If the commissioner approves a request under (a) of this section, the airport manager shall submit a detailed contracting plan to the Department of Law for review and approval. The plan shall, at a minimum, address the method of contracting, scope, method of award, protest procedures, and proposed contract provisions. After the Department of Law approves a contracting plan, the manager shall provide notice to the public of the contracting procedure in accordance with 17 AAC 42.400.
(c) An innovative contracting plan under this section is not subject to the provisions of 17 AAC 42.300 - 17 AAC 42.381.

17 AAC 42.384

Eff. 1/14/2001, Register 157

Authority:AS 02.15.020

AS 02.15.060

AS 02.15.070

AS 02.15.090