17 Alaska Admin. Code § 42.369

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 17 AAC 42.369 - Nonresponsive proposals
(a) Unless the request for proposals states that alternate proposals are acceptable, the committee chair appointed under 17 AAC 42.366 shall consider a proposal as not responsive if the proposer submits more than one proposal under the same or different names.
(b) The evaluation committee need not evaluate a proposal that the committee chair finds to be nonresponsive because the proposal
(1) is submitted late or to the wrong place, unless the committee chair determines that the delay or incorrect place of proposal submission was due to an error of the department;
(2) does not include the required proposal deposit;
(3) is not validly signed;
(4) is illegible;
(5) is not submitted in a sealed package;
(6) fails to acknowledge all material addenda that the manager has issued;
(7) offers an alternative compensation formula that the request for proposals does not allow;
(8) does not conform in all material respects to the request for proposals; or
(9) is conditional.
(c) In the interest of competition, increased revenues to the state, or high quality service to the public or as otherwise in the interest of the state, the committee may, before performing proposal evaluations under 17 AAC 42.366, give all proposers an equal opportunity to cure otherwise nonresponsive proposals.

17 AAC 42.369

Eff. 1/14/2001, Register 157; am 1/17/2016, Register 217, April 2016

Authority:AS 02.15.020

AS 02.15.060

AS 02.15.070

AS 02.15.090