17 Alaska Admin. Code § 35.050

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 17 AAC 35.050 - Industrial use highway permit fees
(a) The department will charge a non-refundable fee for an industrial use highway permit issued under 17 AAC 35.030. The permit fee is calculated to offset the costs to the state to keep the roadway surface and other structures, including bridges, in a condition to accommodate long or heavy loads, and to offset administrative costs related to issuing industrial use highway permits. The permit fee will be calculated under (b) or (c) of this section, as applicable.
(b) A single-trip permit fee, based upon the criteria set out in (a) of this section, will be determined and set for each industrial use highway at least once each year and will be calculated on the basis of each vehicle Equivalent Axle Load (EAL). In the department's discretion, a single-trip permit fee will be determined and set more than once each year. The single-trip permit fee is calculated as follows:
(1) Equivalent Axle Load (EAL) is calculated using the following formula, which is derived from B.A. Anani and M.C. Wang, State of the Art Review on Equivalent Axle Loading for Pavement Design, Report PTI 7803, Pennsylvania Transportation Institute, Pennsylvania State University (March, 1978):

4.79 EAL for Single Axle = [Axle Weight (pounds)/1000] + 1 18 + 14.79 EAL for a Tandem Axle = [Axle Group Weight (pounds)/1000] + 1 32 + 14.79 EAL for a Three Axle Tandem = [Axle Group Weight (pounds)/1000] + 1 40 + 1

(2) The permit fee is calculated by multiplying the sum of EAL values calculated under (1) of this subsection for each axle or axle group of the vehicle, by the dollar amount set for an EAL for that industrial use highway.
(c) The fee for a multiple movement permit is calculated as for a single-trip permit fee, and applied to each movement authorized under the multiple movement permit.
(d) The single-trip permit fee must be paid to the department as a condition of issuance. A billing system may be established by the department for multiple movements of equivalent weights by one individual, firm or company, provided evidence of a good credit rating has been supplied by the individual, firm or company. Payment must be in a form acceptable to the department.
(e) For purposes of this section, "administrative costs" include expenses associated with vehicle and load inspection, bridge and pavement design review, route inspection and monitoring, and billing costs.

17 AAC 35.050

Eff. 11/1/87, Register 104

See the editor's note following 17 AAC 35.030 regarding the designation of another state agency, under (f) of that section, for industrial use highway permit issuance and fee collection.

Authority:AS 19.05.010

AS 19.05.020

AS 19.05.040

AS 19.05.125

AS 19.10.060

AS 44.42.020

AS 44.42.030