Current through December 21, 2024
Section 17 AAC 15.471 - Railroad permits(a) Upon written application, the department will, in its discretion, issue a permit authorizing the applicant to construct or install railroad facilities within a department right-of-way.(b) No permit is required for the reconstruction of existing crossings, structures, or other facilities or for the construction of additional crossings, structures, or other facilities in areas where a railroad holds a fee title or an easement for a railroad right-of-way.(c) An application for a railroad permit must specifically describe the proposed facility and its proposed location within the department's right-of-way. The application must include plans and specifications so that the department can evaluate the engineering design and proposed location.(d) All railroad permits will be issued in accordance with this section and 17 AAC 15.011 - 17 AAC 15.111.(e) Whether or not a railroad facility permit is required, the railroad shall notify the department in writing not less than 15 days before any construction or major maintenance activity in an area bordering on, adjacent to, or crossing a department right-of-way.Eff. 5/23/82, Register 82Authority:AS 19.05.020
AS 19.05.040
AS 19.10.010
AS 19.10.020
AS 19.20.030
AS 19.20.050
AS 19.25.010
AS 19.25.200
AS 19.30.051
AS 19.30.121
AS 19.40.065