17 Alaska Admin. Code § 15.171

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 17 AAC 15.171 - Utility accommodation on highways
(a) The department may allow utility facilities to be located within the highway right-of-way and in accordance with the Alaska Right-of-Way Manual and Alaska Utilities Manual, adopted by reference in 17 AAC 20.950(6) and (7).
(b) Manholes for underground facilities must be located so that their maintenance may be accomplished with minimum interference to the use of the right-of-way.
(c) Facilities installed within the department right-of-way must be designed and placed so that their use or occupancy will not adversely affect the safety, construction, maintenance, or operations of the highway or related structures.
(d) The minimum distance between the nearest part of a surface-mounted utility facility and the edge of the traveled way must comply with the standards set out in the department's Alaska Highway Preconstruction Manual, adopted by reference in 17 AAC 20.950(4).
(e) Facilities installed within a department right-of-way must
(1) be located as near as practicable to the highway right-of-way line; and
(2) comply with the standards set out in the Alaska Highway Preconstruction Manual, adopted by reference in 17 AAC 20.950(4).
(f) A new facility crossing a highway right-of-way must be installed as nearly perpendicular to the highway centerline as is practicable.
(g) An underground facility crossing of a highway must be installed by boring, coring, or jacking through the roadway prism. Wet-boring is prohibited. The department may allow trenched or open-cut construction where untrenched construction is not practical. An underground facility crossing in a department right-of-way must conform to the specifications set out in any special provisions of the utility permit.
(h) If a utility locate service is not available, reference markers must be installed and maintained at both ends of an underground facility highway crossing, at angle points in the alignment of the underground facility, and at designated points along the longitudinal alignment as specified in any special provisions of the utility permit.
(i) If the utility can demonstrate that adherence to the requirements of this section is impractical because of difficult topography, mountainous terrain, or other special conditions, the department may modify the requirements.

17 AAC 15.171

Eff. 5/23/82, Register 82; am 10/2/87, Register 103; am 7/15/2009, Register 191; am 11/15/2024, Register 252, January 2025

Authority:AS 19.05.020

AS 19.05.040

AS 19.20.010

AS 19.25.010

AS 19.25.200

AS 19.30.121

AS 19.40.065

AS 44.42.020

AS 44.42.030