17 AAC 15.021
Utility permit application forms may be obtained from the regional offices of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities located at 4111 Aviation Drive, Anchorage. AK 99502: 2301 Peger Road or 2720 Pickett Place, Fairbanits. AK 99701; and 6860 Glacier Highway. Juneau, AK 99801.
Copies of the Catalog of Waters Important for Spawning, Rearing, or Migration of Anadromous Fishes for a specified region may be viewed through the Department of Fish and Game's website at https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/sf/SARR/AWC/.
Copies of the entire An Atlas to the Catalog of Waters Important for Spawning, Rearing, or Migration of Anadromous Fishes are available for examination at the Department of Fish and Game, Habitat offices in Anchorage, Douglas, and Fairbanks. Copies are also available for viewing at the Alaska State Library in Juneau and the ARLIS Library in Anchorage.
Copies of regional volumes of the atlas for the region of the state where they are located are available for examination at the ADF&G offices in Anchorage, Bethel, Cold Bay, Cordova, Craig, Delta Junction, Dillingham, Douglas, Dutch Harbor, Fairbanks, Glennallen, Haines, Homer, Juneau, Ketchikan, King Salmon, Kodiak, Nome, Palmer, Petersburg, Sand Point, Sitka, Soldotna, Tok, Wrangell, and Yakutat. An electronic equivalent may also be viewed through the ADF&G website at http://www.sf.adfg.state.ak.us/SARR/AWC/index.cfm/FA/intro.catalog, or http:/www.sf.adfg.state.ak.us/SARR/AWC/index.cfm/FA/maps.maps.
As of Register 186 (July 2008), and acting under AS 44.62.125(b)(6), the regulations attorney made technical changes to 17 AAC 15.021(j), to reflect Executive Order 114 (2008). Executive Order 114 transferred functions related to protection of fish habitat in rivers, lakes, and streams from the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Fish and Game.
Authority:AS 02.15.020
AS 02.15.102
AS 02.15.106
AS 19.05.020
AS 19.05.040
AS 19.20.090
AS 19.25.010
AS 19.25.200
AS 19.30.051
AS 19.30.121
AS 19.40.065
AS 35.05.020
AS 35.10.210
AS 35.10.230
AS 44.42.030