Current through December 21, 2024
Section 17 AAC 05.990 - Definitions(a) In this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise,(1) "commissioner" means the commissioner of transportation and public facilities;(2) "department" means the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities;(3) "emergency requirements" means requirements to address circumstances that cause or threaten damage or destruction of a highway facility or a loss of life or property;(4) "environmental approval readiness" means the extent to which a project has already received a required environmental approval under 42 U.S.C. 4332 (National Environmental Policy Act) or to which the department considers the project ready to receive that approval in an expeditious fashion;(5) "functional classification" means the grouping of streets and highways into classes or systems according to the character of service they are intended to provide in relation to the total public road system;(6) "highway rest stop or pullout" means an area alongside a roadway that allows a person to drive the person's vehicle off the roadway and park it a safe distance from the traveled portion of the roadway;(7) "intelligent transportation system" or "ITS" means an integration of advanced sensor, computer, electronics, and communications technologies and management strategies to provide traveler information, or to increase the safety or efficiency of the surface transportation system;(8) "interested person" means (A) a person that has expressed an interest in or that the department believes is interested in transportation issues;(B) a municipal government and its elected officials;(C) a federally recognized tribe;(D) a member of a board of an association that receives money under AS 29.60.140;(E) the Trails and Recreational Access for Alaska Citizen's Advisory Board established for purposes of compliance with 23 U.S.C. 206(c)(2);(F) a regional or village corporation organized under 43 U.S.C. 1601 - 1628 (Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act);(G) a federal or state land management agency;(H) a federal or state environmental agency; and(I) public or private provider of transportation services;(9) "metropolitan planning area" means an area for which a metropolitan area plan has been developed under 23 U.S.C. 134 and 49 U.S.C. 5303- 5306; (10) "metropolitan planning organization" or "MPO" means an organization formed to meet the requirements of 23 U.S.C. 134 and 49 U.S.C. 5303- 5306; (11) "modes of transportation" means transportation accomplished by motorized vehicles, airplanes, rail, boats, ferries, bicycles, snow machines, and foot;(12) "National Highway System" means the system of highways established under 23 U.S.C. 103;(13) "non-restricted federal apportionment" means federal money allocated to the state under federal law that is not earmarked for any specific project or category of project;(14) "PEB" means a project evaluation board appointed under 17 AAC 05.175(h);(15) "project needs list" means a continuously updated, database-generated list of projects nominated for inclusion in the next STIP;(16) "public meeting" means an open house, a facilitated meeting, a workshop, a public hearing, a department-hosted radio or television call-in show, or another meeting format that the department considers most likely to encourage comments from members of the public who attend;(17) "STIP" means the statewide transportation improvement program;(18) "surface transportation," "surface transportation facilities," or "surface transportation system" (A) means all systems used to move the traveling public and freight; and(B) includes motorized vehicles, airplanes, boats, rail, bicycles, snow machines, and trails;(19) "TIP" means an MPO's transportation improvement program;(20) "transit" means a system for the movement of persons by motorized vehicle, rail, or ferry;(21) "written notice" means notice that is delivered by FAX, mail, or electronic mail;(22) "working day" means a calendar day, except Saturday, Sunday, or a state holiday.(b) As used in AS 44.42.050(a), "new transportation modes and facilities"(1) means projects that will initiate a transportation alternative where no transportation alternative exists that serves the same purpose and need; and(2) does not include projects that reconstruct, rehabilitate, realign, improve, or add capacity to an existing roadway, trail, airport, ferry route, transit route, or harbor.Eff. 3/8/2002, Register 161; am 5/7/2005, Register 174As of Register 166 (July 2003), the regulations attorney made a technical revision under AS 44.62.125(b)(6), to the definition of "metropolitan planning organization" in 17 AAC 05.990.
Authority:AS 19.05.020
AS 19.05.030
AS 19.10.020
AS 19.10.140
AS 44.42.030
AS 44.42.050